Wrong Timing

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"So when were you gonna tell me" I asked folding the clothes.

"Next week?! Girl bye! Are you gonna take ol' boy back or what?"

"Monae let me know if I play games with you. You want me to beat his -" I dropped the phone and ran to the bathroom.

I bent over the toilet bowl and threw everything up. I wiped my mouth two minutes later and flushed the toilet. I stood up walking out of the bathroom and picked up the phone.

"Hello" I said.

"Girl you good" Monae asked.

"No! That's the third time I threw up this morning. This been happening for the last two weeks"

"Word?! What if your pregnant?"

"Hell no! I don't need a baby right now. I have y'all already. On top of that the boys going back on tour soon, I'll be going through this pregnancy by myself. But I'm NOT pregnant."

"But what if you are Savannah"

"I'm not Monae and I'm gonna prove it" I told her placing my hand on my hip.

"If your still throwing up after we get off of the phone and the rest of the week, go buy a pregnancy test"

"I'm gonna go buy one right now. Later"

"Call me and let me know. And Savannah"


"If you're pregnant on the real, just know I'm here for you. I love you"

"Don't get sentimental on me but I love ya too"


"Aight, later"

I put the phone back on the hook and went into the bathroom. I quickly used some mouthwash and exited the bathroom. I walked out the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen.

I heard the music coming from the basement, so DeVante and them are still recording. I grabbed pen and paper to leave a note.

Be back in a half-hour, had to make a run to the store. ~ Ya baby, Savannah

I grabbed my car keys and left the house. I hopped into my car and started the ignition backing out of the driveway. I made it to Rite Aid in ten minutes. I parked my car cutting the ignition and hopped out.

I sped walked into the store. "Do you need help ma'am" one of the workers asked. "Um, no thanks" I told her forcing a smile. I went up and down aisles until I found the pregnancy tests.

Which one to buy I thought.

I picked up three different brands and went to another aisle. I grabbed two bags of chips, a few candy bags, and a pack of soda so DeVante wouldn't be suspicious. I went to the counter and placed them down.

The cashier rang them up. "That'll be $20.25" she said placing them in the bags. "Can I have a separate bag for those please" I told her pointing to the pregnancy tests. She gave me a funny look and I gave her the straight face. I paid and took my stuff with my receipt.

I walked out and got back in my car. I put the bags in the passenger seat and started the ignition. I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way back home. I pulled into my driveway and cut the ignition. I grabbed "the bag" and stuffed it into my hoodie pocket. I grabbed the other two bags and got out of the car.

As I walked up the stairs to the door it swung open revealing Dalvin. "Need some help" he asked stuffing some Doritos in his mouth. "Yeah and take ya damn shoes off in my house! Dalvin you know better" I yelled and he quickly took them off.

I handed him the bags when I entered the house. I locked the door behind me and tried to make my way upstairs. "Baby, come here" DeVante called out.

"Shit" I whispered getting nervous. I looked around to place "the bag" somewhere but couldn't find a spot. I put them in my rain boots that were under the table by the door.

"Baby" DeVante yelled again.

"I'm coming" I said irritated.

I made my way into the kitchen where the boys were seated. I went around giving hugs and kisses.

"Yes, baby" I said when I made my way to him. He pecked my lips and put me in between his legs. "Nothing just wanted to see you" he said smiling. I smiled a genuine smile. "How did the session go" I asked everyone turning to face them.

"It was good but long and I'm hungry" Dalvin said.

"Word! DeVante be killing us" K-Ci said.

"We got three songs done though" DeVante said defending himself.

"You cooking Savannah" JoJo asked.

I cut my eyes at him. "Not for you cheater" I said and all the boys said ooooo.

I removed myself from DeVante legs and pecked his lips. "I'll be back. Baby can you start dinner for me please? The food is seasoned and is at the bottom of the fridge" I told him while exiting the kitchen.

I ran over to my boots but checked to see if anyone was watching. The coast was clear so I grabbed the bag out of it and ran upstairs to the bedroom. I locked the door behind me and placed my back to it, as I held the bag to my chest. I took a deep breath and then made my way into the en-suite bathroom. I locked the bathroom door just for safety.

"Okay God, I know pregnancy is suppose to be a blessing. Yes, I want kids and so does DeVante but not now lord. I know I don't have control over my life but you do. God, I know that you blessed Jade with a beautiful baby boy, and I know this is selfish, maybe even harsh, but not now God! But if I am pregnant then I'll still love him or her no matter what. I'll accept my bundle of joy and that'll be that in the name of Jesus I pray" I prayed.

I sat on the toilet and grabbed one of the three boxes. I read the instructions and then followed them. I peed on the stick and repeated the process twice more. I placed all three sticks on the sink and cleaned up. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands.

"Okay three minutes for each stick" I told myself. I sat on the edge of the tub waiting for my results. "Okay God, it's in your hands now" I said nervously.

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