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Two Days Later

We just finished performing in California and was chilling in the hotel when I got that call. That called that stopped my whole world, the call that made my knees weak. My baby, Savannah, was shot and in the hospital.

My baby and my unborn child are both harmed and there's nothing I can do.

"DeVante" Dalvin called out.

"Their saying she's in stable condition" Jojo informed me.

I nodded but my mind couldn't wrap around it.

"Is the baby ok" I asked looking at him empty.

He gave me a sad look. I started crying hysterically and K-Ci and Dalvin tried to comfort me.

"Please tell me he's going to be alright" I kept yelling.

I wasn't trying to hear what any of my boys were trying to say right now. I need both my Savannah and Emmanuel or Lorriane to be ok!

"Let's get on a flight to get back out there. I need to make sure my baby and everyone is safe" Jojo said.

Our manager came in with an unreadable expression on his face. "What about the rest of the shows" he asked irritated.

"Man fuck the rest of the shows! No disrespect to the fans but we need to make sure our women are safe and okay" Dalvin said angrily while standing up.

"I get that Dalvin! But we're gonna lose money here" He yelled back.

"Fuck the money man" K-Ci jumped in.

"You worried about money while my fucking pregnant girlfriend is laying in the hospital?! The tour ain't fucking important right now man! You can always make ya Benjamins back another time! Right now I'm catching the first flight up outta here - I dare you try to stop me" I barked in his face.

I stared him down and he stared up at me. The look on my face was getting worst and my fist were starting to boil up but eventually he moved outta my way.

I brushed passed him roughly and made my way out the door and heard the boys following behind me. Nothing was gonna stop me from seeing my girl! And as for the nigga that did this shit, oh, he better pray for mercy!


At the hospital

I walked in to see Savannahs parents and her siblings - Roshon and Camaira. Her mom being the nurse she is kept checking her vitals. Her dad being the pastor he is was silently praying over her.

Monae was asleep in the chair and Chole was missing. So was Jade which was strange. Camaira was the first to notice me.

"Oh my God! DeVante" she cried running into my arms.

I held her and stroked her hair. "It's going to be okay" I told her trying to believe it myself.

"She has been in a comma since she arrived here! They said the baby is ok. Why didn't we know she was pregnant" she asked rolling her neck at me.

I sighed relief and laughed a little at that.

"Yeah we would like to know too" her father said looking right at me.

"We were planning to tell y'all after I came back from tour Mr.Carter" I told him truthfully.

"What happened to your hair bruh" Roshon asked giving me dap.

I laughed "I wanted to try something new" I said. He simply nodded.

"We're going to give you two some time" Mrs.Carter said giving me a kiss on my cheek. I nodded as they slowly left out the room.

"Jade is in the other room opposite this hallway if you wanna see her. She has a concussion" Camaira informed before leaving.

I made a mental note in my mind about that then walked over to my baby. I sat down in the other chair trying not to disturb Monae.

I grabbed Savannahs hand and laced my fingers with hers although she couldn't hold mine back at the moment. I silently started crying. I used my other hand to rub our baby.

"Hi baby, it's daddy. You almost gave me a heart attack when I heard about what happened to you and mommy" I told him or her then kissed her stomach.

"Savannah, baby? I need you to fight through this because we have so much planned out for our future. I'm not supposed to tell you this but I was gonna pop the question when I got back from tour. I hate seeing you like this - I swear I'ma find the dude that did this! I love you so much and -" I felt a squeeze on my hand cutting me off.

"Do it again babe" I told her excitedly. I felt another faint squeeze and started calling for the doctor. That scared Monae awake because she slipped outta the chair.

"Fuck you doing all that hollering for D" she asked annoyed and getting back up. "Oh my God! DeVante she yelled rushing over to me and giving me a hug.

I gave her one back and told her to get someone in here asap. I looked down at Savannah to see her trying to talk but tears were coming down her face.

"What's wrong baby" I asked getting worried again. She tried pointing to her stomach.

"The baby is okay but you not so much" I told her honestly. Currently looking over her chart she has 2 broken ribs, a sprained wrist, and her scoliosis is starting to get worst.

She had looked happy besides
knowing all that stuff. The doctor finally made it in her along with everyone from before. He started checking everything out on her.

We backed up and let him finish everything he needed to do. He handed her a cup of water which she gladly accepted. He looked over her chart and walked over to her.

"Well it looks like as her pregnancy continues so will her scoliosis but it shouldn't become too bad. She will complain a whole lot more about pain and things of that nature though. Her ribs and wrist should be healed in six weeks. Any questions" he asked.

We all shook our heads no. "Alrighty then! Congratulations on the baby boy Mr.DeGrate" Dr.Harris said shaking my hand.

"Emmanuel it is" Savannah said cheezing.

"Yes baby, Emmanuel it is" I said walking over to her.

A|N: So now y'all know the sex of the baby! And Savannah is okay! What about Jade though?!

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