Its A Wrap!

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Dalvin shrugged and looked at me. "What's going on with y'all" Savannah asked with her face screwed up.

"Nothing babe. Let's go out somewhere. THAT WAY THE ROOM WILL BE EMPTY WHEN WE GET BACK" I loudly said to the chick that was currently in my room.

My ass is so damn screwed I thought.

"No my feet hurt and so does my back. I wanna lay down for a while" Savannah told me pushing me out of the way.

"OH HELL NO! WHO THE HELL IS THIS DONALD" She screamed dropping her suitcase hard on the floor.

I jumped at that and K-Ci slowly backed away. "Help me!" I loudly whispered to him and he shook his head at me.

"Who the fuck are you?! Why the fuck are you in my nigga bed?!" Savannah barked at Chelsea. That's the girl in my bed.

"Nah dawg, I can't help you get out of this D" He told me. "Good luck though" He said and sped walked down the hall.

God, if you still love me, please let me survive this! And please don't let Savannah kill me or Chelsea. Be with us I prayed and entered the room.

Savannah was on top of Chelsea punching her. And Chelsea was clawing at her. I grabbed Savannah trying to pull her off but she had a hand full of her hair.

"Bitch are you dumb?! Do you know who I am?!" Savannah yelled kicking her one good time in the mouth! Chelsea screamed out in pain and held her mouth.

"If I get out if this grip you're a dead bitch! Dead!" Savannah yelled.

"Baby let go! She isn't worth it" I yelled.

"Yea you right! Put me down" she demanded and I did - WRONG MOVE !

She back handed me so hard blood came out my mouth. "You are a disgusting, low-down, dirty, cheating, lying son of a bitch! And if I had a knife in my hand right now, I would stab you! I never wanna see ya cheating ass again! And don't you worry about coming back home because we won't be there!" She yelled in my face.

I caught another blow to the face again but this time she caught me in my left eye with a right hook. I backed up and JoJo ran into the room. He grabbed Savannah and I was hella heated right now! I felt like hitting her ass back but I didn't - That's not me.

Chelsea got her clothes and was limping out of the room. "Ok I deserved to get hit but don't you ever put your hands on me again! You hear me?!" I yelled pushing JoJo out of the way and pinning Savannah against the wall.

"Next time you might not be so lucky" I said dropping her. The tears started to flow down her face and she started hyperventilating. I walked into the bathroom to take care of my mouth and eye. By now the whole floor was in our room watching us.

"Savannah! Omg! Are you ok?!" Jade asked running over to her. I rolled my eyes and the boys came in the bathroom with me.

"Damn D, you good son" Dalvin asked.

"Do I look good Dalvin?!" I barked at him.

"Don't yell at me because of your dumb ass decisions! I'm just checking to see if my dumb brother was aight. Fuck outta here son" He yelled leaving the bathroom.

"Dalvin I ain't -" I didn't even bother to check on him.

"D man, what were you thinking? You fucked up big time homie" JoJo said leaving the bathroom too.

"You can say 'I told you so' because I know you want to" I told K-Ci finally getting rid of all the blood out of my mouth. I took a good look and my lip was fucked up. I might need stitches for this!

"Nah I'm not going to. You know better but you just ain't do better. Now you fix what you fucked up if it ain't too late" He told me patting my back. He handed me an ice pack for my eye which started stinging when I put it on.

After he left I took a deep breath and then went back out. Jade was comforting Savannah. "Can we have a moment please" I asked Jade.

"Wait for me downstairs with my stuff please. This won't take long" Savannah asked her and she did as asked.

She got up and launched at me. Before I could grab her she managed to hit me again but it wasn't as hard as the first one. My blood started boiling again but I didn't dare to hit her back.

"Calm down Savannah!" I yelled holding her arms. She started pounding my chest as hard as she could.

When I finally let go of her she went looking for something in her bag.

Oh hell nah! She ain't about to shank me I thought and snatched her bag out of her hand.

"You not about to stab me up in here! You really tryna kill me?!" I yelled snatching the knife out of her hand. I placed it back in her bag and threw her bag across the room.

"I swear on everything I love, don't come back to the house because you won't make it out of it" She threatened.

"Look Savannah, I know you hate me right now but I never knew that this -" She cut me off.

"No! You look Donald. I don't give a fuck about any of your apologies. From here on out, I do not want you calling me, writing me or none of that shit! Don't come looking for me and don't either think that I'm gonna forgive you. I have you a second chance already! I'll let you come to doctor appointments and let you know when I'm in labor, other than that stay away from me" She said walking towards the door.

"So that's it? You don't even wanna hear me out" I asked following behind her like a lost puppy. "Look at my fucking face! And you can't keep me away from my child!" I yelled in her face.

"I don't care to hear you out. I do care to beat ya ass again though. I definitely would if I could. And if I ever see that bitch again, I'm not showing any mercy" She told me vehemently. "And I guess I'll see ya ass in court then!" She yelled back in my face.

"I don't give a fuck about her! I'm worried about us but mostly my damn seed! And if we go to court, trust shit is gonna get real dirty" I said telling her the truth. She just ignored me.

She started walking towards the elevator and I followed her in my ball shorts and socks alone. We got on and started heading to the lobby. I stopped the elevator and got down on my knees.

"I'm sorry Savannah" I pleaded crying into her stomach.

She just looked down on me and all I saw was pain and hatred. "I can't help you Donald. You made your bed now you have to lie in it. Remember my mom always said that if you lie down with dogs, you end up with flees. You reap what you sow. You don't get a third chance from me. You showed your true colors tonight. And to think that I actually was going to say yes to your proposal. Guess I see why I waited" She told me. She pushed in the button and the elevator went down to the lobby.

I got up and just cried! Even when we got off of the elevator. "You don't have to do this" I said to her.

She yanked her arm out of my grip and screwed her face up at me. "You didn't have to cheat either but you did" She told me and grabbed her stuff from Jade. "And don't touch me again or ya ass gonna catch another busted lip" She warned.

She hugged Jade goodbye and walked out of the hotel. Jade turned and looked at me and shook her head.

"You know that when you get home you won't have one right? Like literally,  she's gonna burn that shit down! And you know you fucked up right? Better keep fighting if you really want it to work." She told me getting on the elevator.

"There isn't a making it work" I said to myself.

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