Last Straw

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*One Week Later*

"Is that everything?" I asked Monae. She nodded and I put the tape on the last box. Today was the day I was getting all my shit and officially moving into my own apartment. I already furnished the place, I just needed my clothes.

"Well Monae, guess it's finally happening." I said sighing.

"Maybe y'all getting some space is what's best. I know for a fact that y'all are gonna get back together Sav. You two were made for each other. Don't let a little bump in the road stop you from seeing that." She said rubbing my belly.

"How did you bounce back from JoJo cheating?" I asked placing my hand on top of hers.

She laughed and shook her head. "It still hurts and I don't completely trust him - he knows that. But I love that man Savannah. He's been proving and working his way back to becoming the man I first fell in love with. You just have to be willing to forgive but never forget." She said honestly.

"Don't think that'll be anytime soon. And I was so stupid to sleep with him again!" I said placing my hand on my forehead.

She removed her hand from my stomach and grabbed the box. "You aren't stupid Hun, your young and in love. That's all of us right now." She said walking away.

I nodded in agreement. I sat down grabbing the notepad and pen. I sat for about five minutes before Monae returned. "Let me write a quick note and then we can leave." I told her.

"I'll be in the car waiting." She said and I nodded.

Dear DeVante,

So these past few weeks haven't been working out for us. I finally decided to pack my stuff up and move into that apartment officially. I'm sorry for the way I acted at JoJo and Monae's party. I don't know what came over me but I never meant to embarrass you like that. Hopefully you can forgive me for that <3. Anyway, when I get settled into my new place, I'll call and leave you the address just in case of an emergency. Hopefully being separated will help us and figure out where we go from here. I love you Donald.

Love, Savannah

I got up and placed the note on the refrigerator so he could see it. As I was saying my final goodbyes to the house, I got light headed. Monae came back in the house again and started rushing me out.

"Monae, I don't feel too well" I said reaching out to her.

"Savannah what's wrong?" She said walking over to me.

Before she made it over to catch me I hit the floor and blacked out.



My phone wouldn't stop ringing. This was the twelfth called I had received! I finally decided to answer and I regretted that decision.

-Phone Call-

Me: Hello
Monae: Donald! Omg its Savannah! We were leaving the house and she blacked out. When I made it over to her she was unconscious. I called an ambulance but when I looked closer she was bleeding. I'm so scared that something might've happened to the baby!
Me: Whatever game your playing Monae, today is definitely not the day.
Monae: I'm not fucking playing Donald! We're at Saint Barnabas Medical Center
Monae: I'm on my way!
-End of Conversation-

I ended the phone call and rushed out of the studio. The boys were following me as I hopped into my truck.

"What's wrong D?" K-Ci asked hopping in right before I sped off.

"Monae called and said Savannah blacked out as they were leaving the house and she was bleeding. I think she was telling me that she may have lost the baby." I said as a tear slid down my face.

It got silent as hell in the car as I drove down the street swerving in and out of lanes. "Everything is gonna be good D. The baby and Sav is fine." Dalvin said patting my back.

About 20 minutes later I pulled up to the hospital and barely even parked correctly. I jumped out of the truck and ran into the hospital.

"I'm looking for Savannah Carter." I told the receptionist.

"Sir there is a line, you'll have to wait like everyone else." She said popping her gum.

I yoked her up so we were looking eye to eye. "Do I look like I need to be waiting in a fucking line?! I said I'm looking for my girlfriend Savannah Carter! She might be fucking dying! What fucking room is she in?!" I yelled.

She looked frightened so I dropped her. She shakily searched her up in the computer. "Room 615 sir Mr.DeGrate." She said sitting down.

"Thank you." I said grinding my teeth.

We made our way to the sixth floor and looked for her room. As soon as we found it, everyone was there.

"How is she" I asked her mom Mrs.Carter.

"She's still unconscious. It seems like all we ever do is come out here to see our daughter in a hospital. When were y'all gonna tell us that she was pregnant?!" Her mom asked looking disappointed at me.

I looked at Camaira and Roshon and they could barely look at me. Her father looked furious and I wanted to keep my distance from him.

"I'm sorry. Are we allowed to go in?" I asked. She nodded and walked away from me. I pushed the door open and looked at her. She looked terrible yet beautiful.

I grabbed the chair by the window and brought it as close to her bed as possible. She still had a stomach which I took as a good thing. I placed my hand in hers and I started sobbing.

"Savannah I'm so sorry" I cried. "Everything is all my fault! Please forgive me." I said sobbing even harder.

A|N: More trouble in paradise! Looks like things never work out in anyone's favor huh? Hopefully everything is ok!

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