Is This Goodbye?

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When I came back home the other night from seeing Tiara, Monae wasn't home. I thought she was just out with her girlfriends but boy oh boy, I was SOOO wrong! I went upstairs to the bedroom and that shit was trashed and all her shit was gone!! The bed was broken, the mirrors were cracked and shattered to a million pieces on the floor! My clothes and shoes were thrown about the room - Here's the best part: My shit was bleached!!

I've never seen myself so fucking angry that I flipped the whole dresser upside down! I left the room and ran down the stairs to where I heard keys jingly in the door. I unlocked the door and swung it open - Monae was on the other side. We were so close that I think she saw the hairs flaring out my nostrils.

"What the fuck did you do to my shit" I asked breathing real hard in her face.

"I gave you A LITTLE BIT of what you fucking deserved Joel! I'm tired of being your fucking doormat and being cheated on! Your just lucky that I still have shit here and didn't set this bitch on fire with YOU in it" She barked at me and pushed me out of the way.

I turned around and punched the house door so hard that my knuckles started bleeding. I noticed the blood but didn't feel the pain. "You know I'm leaving for my tour in a hour right?! Who the fuck told you to touch my shit" I asked storming right behind her to the kitchen.


"WHO THE FUCK TOLD YOUR NO GOOD, LYING, BLACK, STUPID, GOOD FOR NOTHING, BASTARD ASS TO CHEAT ON ME?!" She screamed throwing dish plates at me. I was dodging left and right to avoid being hit.


"Come again? A crazy ass what?!" She said and flunk the plate at me which hit the side of my face and cut me.

*Play Song*

"I'm gonna leave before I have to go to jail tonight" I said holding my face and turning to walk out of the kitchen. I heard footsteps behind me as I walked upstairs to the bathroom.

"So that's it Joel?! You aren't even going to try to fight for me?! I gave you all of me! I wanted to be your fucking wife and have all your kids! You go and cheat on me with that bitch Tiara! I'm supposed to be the love of your life - ME! What does she have that I don't? What is she doing that I don't? Huh? Answer me Joel" she said crying hysterically.

I briskly turned around which stopped her immediately. "You are the love of my life Monae! I get that I've been cheating on you and I've been hurting you! I never meant to - it just happened. When I tried to break it off she threatened to tell you and I couldn't let that happen. I was gonna tell you at my own pace but someone else already told you" I told her and went into the bathroom.

She followed me into the bathroom. "I love you Joel but I don't think I can trust you ever again. Your tour is today and who knows what's gonna happen - especially because I can't keep an eye on you" Monae said wiping her face.

"Maybe we should just call it quits and end this for good" she said after a few moments of silence. I put the alcohol pad down and looked at Monae through the mirror.

"Is that what you really want" I asked.

She shook her head no. "But I know what I deserve - And this Joel, this ain't it" she said seriously. Her tone changed. "I deserve to be treated with love and respect. I need someone who's going to appreciate me and know my worth - appreciate my value" she finished.

"So does this mean goodbye Monae" I asked actually looking at her now.

She grabbed my face and I winced a little but she gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. "This is goodbye JoJo and I'll always love you" she whispered against my lips.

"I don't want this to be goodbye baby" I told her while holding her waist.

"I don't either but this is what it has to be so don't try to fight it" she said.

"I love you Monae" I said which felt like it was going to be the last time I ever said it.

"I'll see you around" she said and like that she was gone.

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