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Narrators POV

*One Week Later*

It had been a week since Savannah was out cold in a comma. DeVante wasn't leaving her side no matter what. He would go home shower and eat, but would be right back.

Sitting in her hospital room are her parents, Camaira, Roshon, and of course DeVante. He started holding her hand again but this time he felt something. He got a little happy and sat up.

He felt it again! "Look y'all! She's squeezing my hand!" He announced.

Everyone in the room ran over to see what he was talking about. "Babe if you can hear me, squeeze my hand again." DeVante said.

She squeezed his hand a little harder and the family started cheering. Savannah opened her eyes slowly to adjust to the bright lights.

"I'll go get the doctor!" Roshon said running out of her room.

Two minutes later Dr.Mooney walked in. "Good afternoon, I'm Dr.Mooney." He said holding a clipboard and a cup. He sat Savannah up and she slowly drank the water.

"How are you feeling Ms.Carter?" Dr.Mooney asked. He flashed the light in her eyes to check her vision and did the finger test too. He checked her heart rate and wrote it on the clipboard.

"So far everything seems perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with her." Dr.Mooney said.

"Ba - baby. What about the baby?" Savannah asked grabbing onto Dr.Mooney.

"The baby is healthy Savannah. Bleeding in the first trimester is normal. Twenty to thirty percent of women bleed during their first trimester. I noticed that you've been complaining about your back because of your scoliosis." He said reading over her chart.

"What should I do about that?" She said sounding raspy still.

"Lots of bed rest really. But if bed rest isn't helping, I would suggest walking around for a bit and then bed rest. Make sure you eat healthy and drink A LOT of water Ms.Carter! And stop stressing. Blood pressure is through the roof. That also caused some of the bleeding." Dr. Mooney told everyone.

Savannah looked over at DeVante who looked down in shame. "Thank you Dr.Mooney." Mr.Carter said shaking his hand. Dr. Mooney smiled and nodded his head.

"I'll be back in two hours to check on you again." The doctor told her and Savannah nodded.

Savannah rubbed her stomach and smiled. She dropped DeVante's hand and greeted everyone else. She asked them to leave the room to talk to DeVante in private.

"Thank you." She told him honestly. He looked at her confused and she laughed.

"I heard everything y'all were saying while I was knocked out cold. I just want you to know that I'm tired of being mad at you and that I forgive you. It's going to take me awhile to trust you again but eventually I'm going to want my ring!" She told him smiling. "I love you." She said reaching over to kiss him.

DeVante kissed her back slowly and his heart was racing with happiness. "Does that mean you're not moving out anymore?" He asked.

She laughed and shook her head. "I'm still moving out D. You can come check on me whenever you want. I don't have a problem with that." She told him.

"I'll sleep on the couch! I'll sleep outside in the backyard! In the basement or even the guesthouse! Just don't move out. I don't think it's safe right now." He said trying to convince her not to leave him alone.

"Ok fine! You sleep on the couch and I'll sleep in the bedroom. But regardless I don't want to live in that house." She told him honesty.

"Done! We can go house shopping as soon as you're feeling better." He said taking her hand again. This time she didn't let it go.

"You look even more handsome than I remember." She told him blushing and rubbing her belly again.

He laughed and licked his lips. "You're even more beautiful than I remember. And I'm happy that you gave me another chance. I have God and everyone else to thank for that." He told her honestly.

"Just don't fuck up again because I definitely won't forgive you. One time shame on you, two times shame on me. Three times I'm gonna get my nine and bust it in your behind!" She said pulling him closer and kissing his forehead.

He laughed hysterically but he knew she was dead ass serious. "Don't worry babe, I'm not fucking up anymore." He told her honestly this time.

"Can you let my family back in please?" She asked him. He nodded and let go of her and brought her family back into the room.

"Hi baby!" Ms.Carter said hugging her and rubbing her belly. Her father did the same thing. Camaira was crying and she kissed her belly. Roshon just sat there rubbing her belly and grilling D. He eventually hugged his sister and then sat down in the window sill.

"How you feeling?" Camaira asked calming down after awhile.

"A little dehydrated and very hungry. Otherwise I'm fine." Savannah answered.

"I'll go get you some food. What do you want?" Roshon asked.

"Chicken salad, a big bag of potato chips and a bottle of water please." She said and he nodded leaving the room.

Savannah was just happy that God got her through this one and gave her the man she loved back. She mostly happy that her baby survived and her family was actually being supportive of her.

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