What About Us?

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*Two Weeks Later*

I walked up the stairs to my house and took a deep breath. I finally returned from tour in early October and my house is still in tact. I opened the front door and walked in.

I can hear music coming from the studio in the basement. Real Love by Mary J. Blige was playing, that means Savannah is home. I placed my suitcase by the door and locked the door after. I walked into the kitchen and Savannah was there washing the dishes.

I watched her for a bit before saying anything.

"Hey" I said leaning against the wall with my hands in my pocket. She jumped and then turned around to face me. She had her hand placed over her heart.

"You scared the fuck out of me! And what are you doing here" she asked annoyed.

"I live here remember" I said sitting around the counter.

"Oh that's right! And the house will be all yours in about a week" she told me.

My eye brow went up. "What you mean by that" I asked.

"I bought myself my own little spot and that's all you need to know. Now stop talking to me because I don't like you" she said going back to washing dishes.

I got up and walked up behind her. "You can move yourself" she said trying to move.

I placed both hands on either side of her so she couldn't move from me. She turned around and folded her arms.

"You tryna catch another beat down" she asked seriously. She looked over my face and her face dropped a little.

"Yea you did that. And if you hitting me will make you feel better and fix our relationship, then I'm down with it" I told her seriously.

She rolled her eyes and then sighed. "I already told you Donald, there's no fixing us and there is no us. Why would I want to fix something you fucked up? So you deal with the consequences" she stated.

"I've been dealing with the consequences since the day of the hotel incident. Its been two months! I've been going crazy without you Savannah! I'm begging for you to take me back" I told her getting down on my knees.

She just looked down on me and folded her arms across her chest. "You begging isn't going to change anything" she said sternly.

"You telling me you don't love me? You telling me you completely hate me? You telling me you don't wanna even try to forgive me and work it out" I continued begging.

"I do love you and I don't completely hate you. But there's a thin line between love and hate. And I don't think I could ever forgive you to work it out" she said looking into my eyes.

I stood up and lifted her chin up and slowly brought my lips to her. "Donald don't" she said sadly. I softly kissed her and she didn't kiss me back. I kept kissing her and she eventually kissed me back and I slipped my tongue into her mouth.

I felt her tear slip down my face and when she moaned I knew it was over. I wrapped her legs around my waist and kept kissing her. I walked out of the kitchen and upstairs to our bedroom. I sat her down on the bed and pulled her shirt over her head.

I slid her pants off with her underwear and then worked her bra off. I quickly got undress and she laid down against the pillows. I got on top of her and we started kissing again. Let's just say I gave her those "I'm sorry" "I love you" and "please forgive me" strokes.

After we made love multiple times, I held her in my arms and she silently cried. "Where do we go from here Savannah" I asked.

She shrugged and held me tighter so I held her as tight as I could without hurting her. "That depends on you" she replied after awhile.

"What you mean by that" I asked.

"I'm setting rules and regulations and if you can't abide by them, then I won't ever forgive you" she said looking at me.

"Rules and regulations? I'm a grown man Sav-" she cut me off.

"Ok! So get off of me then" she said sitting up.

"No tell me your rules and regulations then" I said pulling her back down.

"Okay one, I want you to call me every hour if you aren't in the house and aren't performing. Two, I want you in the house by eleven if it doesn't involve performing or outside studio time. Three, no females around you unless I'm around. Unless it's your family or business wise. And lastly, I'm still moving out until I can trust you and feel that it's right again. That's all" she said.

I sighed at the last part. "How long will your rules be in affect" I asked.

"Until I feel able to trust you again" she stated.

"Sounds good" I said kissing her forehead.

"And there will be no sex until I completely trust you. You just got some today because of hormones" she said laughing.

I laughed with her and shook my head. I'm gonna die without sex I thought.

"Alright fine but don't be mad when I'm walking around here looking good as hell and you can't touch" I said.

"And I can say the same for when I'm over here" she replied.

"Sounds like a bet to me" I said.

"And a bet it is" she stated and we kissed on it.

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