August 2nd, 2015

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So, I'm back home again and boy was today a long day.
I slept like a rock last night...until about 5am that is.
I woke up feeling like I was gonna throw up. So I went to the bathroom, told all my internet friends, and then went back to sleep. I kept waking up and going to the bathroom all morning but only threw up twice. My stomach was on the Frits all morning I think I even slept on the bathroom floor at one point.
I'm feeling better now, if not totally  tired.
On a happier note, I have the Kuroshitsuji manga added to my collection and will be working at that for a while. It's pretty different from the Anime as people say but it's fun to read everything in the character's voices.
I'm going in for my beginners license Tuesday.
Also...this ShamChat thing...I ended up as shrek talking to a porn addicted donkey and things got...well....check out chapter thirteen of "Terrible Crack Smut" for details.
I also had this really sweet chat with an aph britain as Canada. We watched doctor who and talked about television and America and about Britain's love for France.
And then there was a really cute Prucan one...
Every time I decided to chat as Sealand, Ke$ha, or a slutty toaster people ended the discussions immediately.
I also got invited to this cool Roleplay website to join a Black Butler Roleplay. Naturally, I played Grell. I always play Grell.
And other than getting (school friend) into ShamChat and sending my internet friends more L'ananas and clips from This Hour Has 22 minutes I didn't do much.
I think that's all...

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