August 8th

11 1 0

I woke up at 1pm Cuz why not. Then I helped mom take the pool apart and watched more Fairy Tail. I read more Kuroshitsuji and now I'm on the last volume. If this ends in the middle of a story arc I'm gonna cry. This isn't good.
But things got intense and I'm shipping Grell and Ronald really hard.
I'm going to start on ATOT after I finish this which will probably be tomorrow.
Then I went for a run without the dog this time because she had run off to the camp with mom.
Then I watched Fruits Basket for a while but now I'm back to Fairy Tail.
I didn't get any writing done last night...other than the single page of the Gronald Fanfiction.
I'll try tonight but I think I might be stuck again. Fuuuuu-
I don't think I have anything else to say for today except that my diary entries are building up offline and I kinda miss my internet friends. I hope I can get access soon. Like, real access. Not just a few minutes worth. Sigh.

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