Spoopy day 16

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Long stressful day but I'll get to that later.
Do you see that sinful thing at the top there? Me and my friend were combining hetalia characters and basically
Italy's eyes
Russia's nose
England's eyebrows
Prussia's colouring
China's pony tail
Greece's side bangs
Austria's curl
Liechtenstein's ribbon
Japan's outfit and love for yaoi
And ukraine's boobs for some reason.
So I drew it.
Sinful aren't i?

(= J =)
Apparently that's as close as I could get.
Alright grad picture day.
Nobody called the grads. They had to sign up on this sheet of paper but nobody told us this.
So eventually, because I had a free period and nobody to instruct me, I figured this out and signed up.
So lunch rolled around and they were like "anybody who hasn't had their grad photos taken come to the cafeteria. So we did and then I was sitting down waiting through lunch and nobody even noticed me until they were about to get ready for the photos with family. The guy looked up and was like "are you here for your photo? I didn't see you."
And I was like trying not to cry because everything that symbolizes the end of high school kinda freaks me out anyway and I was like "duh. I've been here forever."
So I got my portrait done but lunch was pretty much over and I didn't have time to freaking go have lunch so I ended up being hungry for the rest of the day. Thanks stupid photo studio for your unorganized process.
So then after lunch I had co-op and read Kuroshitsuji online because I gave up looking for downloads and kissmanga is a great site and sebastian was being a cocky little shit and making puns and stuff so I was screaming in class pretty much while my muggle guy friend was like "nobody care about anime stfu."
And I was like "*manga."
And he was like "either way it's dumb." Bc boys in my school are losers.
And then I did a sociology test. I skipped a few days bc I was so behind and had to catch up and I was gonna do the other day when one of the other girls who was in the Internet course room was like "<shick> all the twelves are downstairs getting group photos done. You have to get down there. So I logged out and went downstairs to wait in a long assed line. (We have a small school too so It really didn't need to be that crowded.)
I texted mom and said "if this bell rings before we get our pictures done I'm just leaving and your not getting a picture with me and <brother>
Yeah. So moms just gonna end up with a single portrait of me bc the stupid studio had to make everything complicated.
Apparently I made somebody's day with a comment I wrote ages ago too. That's good news right? Right!
also I was on Tumblr on my laptop in the hall and ppl were all around.
I usually don't end up with porn on my dash but today it was like:

Text post
Picture of food
Hand squeezing Butt
Text post
Two people lying together naked but partially covered where it counts
A "today I fucked up" post.
Boobs being held by hands
Hetalia fan art
Hipster posts
Gif gif gif
Gay porn gif
But wearing some tasteful panties
And then I had to log off I felt so dirty.
It's the only thing that mobile tumblr is superior for. With mobile tumblr you feel secure knowing those pornographic pictures won't load.

Hetalia 30 day challenge:
Character id want as a cat...
We already saw most of them as cats and Neko!Turkey really cracks me up. I'd probably go with him. Just having a cat with a paper bag on his head would be amazing.
Also tomorrow's the last day of this. Has it really been a month?!! Wowzah. What do I do next?
I think I'm gonna attach more photos and I'll write my own 30 day agenda when I have the time which has to be tomorrow. Okay. Bye 4 now.

Who's up for a cats trio?
And Egypt

Also I ship Greece and Egypt now

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