September 29, 2015

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So at lunch I was walking out of the school to head to foodland to pick up me chippies and there was a snake on the road and I was like nopenopenopenope and got my lunch from the cafeteria instead. I'm deathly afraid of snakes if I haven't said it before. Ppl were like oh come on it wasn't big but I don't think they understand. It's this fear engraved into my entire being. It's the reason I don't go outside very much. Every decision I make is like "will that involve meeting a snake." And if the answer is maybe or yes then I'm out dawg.
I had a test in sociology and made a few killer vine edits. You can find me there under the name Shickzander in case any of y'all are interested.
I hit 100 followers on tumblr today too. Woot!
Driving lessons today.

I forgot the hetalia 30 day challenge yesterday (I knew I would eventually) so umma post here.
Character I would be best friends with:
Canada. But sometimes his hockey talk would get tiring so I'd go chill with Prussia

Favourite voice:
Switzerland and the Netherlands. Killer voices right there m8 mnm yeh.

So driving I did decent and actually went into town instead of back roads. Forgot the turn signal a few times and then went to fast on a turn and almost hit a house woo hoo. But I'm alive.

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