August 20th, 2015

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Today I discovered I cannot say the word "crufixes." Autocorrect doesn't think that's a word so I guess I'm safe.
Things I've said instead of crufixes:

You get the point.
I had a good laugh over that.
I didn't go to bed until five am last night. Partially because my dog would not stop her incisive pointless whining but mostly because I intended to pull an all-nighter but got bored and decided to sleep. I woke up at twelve and I think it's Thursday but I'm not sure. It's Sylvester McCoy's birthday too. Happy birthday dude.
My mom told me to sort through a crate of blueberries so I did that for a few hours and then I got bored and watched Fruits Basket for a while and then went for a run. It's really hot and my head hurts though. It's like, we just had the worst winter in the history of winters, and now we're having the hottest summer. I'm probably exaggerating, but I don't do well in the heat....or the cold for that matter. I don't do well in any temperatures. Maybe I just suck.
Well I'm gonna spend the rest if my day immersed in my fanfictions. I promised myself that if I got 300 views in maple warriors I would write a sequel. So 300 views later here I am. There's gonna be a huge bombshell plot twist that I'm really proud of. Remind me to send a message to my first reader for the story. They'll be pretty excited I guess, based on their reaction to the story at least. Oh wait. Your a diary. You can't remind me of anything. I'm sure I'll remember myself.

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