Jan 13

6 0 0

It was a snow day so I just stayed home and listened to music and danced all day because I was home alone but then my brother came and I was blasting Alexander ryback and he said my music sucks and started calling me shitty names so I grabbed all my things and went to my room and now I'm blasting music in here fuck that little ass. I wish he would just move out. It was so much better when he wasn't around. I could do what I wanted without being judged. That's the only bad thing about school being on. He's always gone on weekends and the summer. And because of the snow day double gym was moved ahead so now I have to suffer through that too. Ugh. I wonder where I'm gonna hide then. Maybe I'll ask to be DJ and annoy everybody. Muahahaha. Listen to the music of my people.
And J thought T's music always irritate. Heh.

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