Jan 4th

7 0 0

Back to school whoop de do.
It actually started out fine. That friend who planned on moving away isn't anymore which is lucky because he was all I had left and stuff and my internet friends missed me like crazy.
I had 131 notifications on wattpad which I spent my morning checking through. Also, that friend who died was back on last night. Always when I'm offline huh?
Well, he still hasn't answered my message. Little fucker.
Then I had my sociology course which I discovered I have an exam in. Aw shit. It's gonna be on the 21st.
Oh well. I've never been one to worry about exams too much.
After that I had lunch and MY HAIR IS STUPID CUT IT OFF NOW I HATE IT!!!!!
It was all up in my hizzle which I didn't like.
Then I had my free where I just scrolled away on tumblr in the mapletea tags.
Then gym came along. I fucking hate gym. I AM NOT PLAYING VOLLY BALL.
Good lord. I have a novel to finish tonight and I do not need my wrists all torn up over this. Also, I had a really bad self-esteem destroying experience involving volley ball when I was in elementary school. I've never been able to enjoy it.
Anyway, I have a oneshot for tumblr to write. Fan art to go with it, and my sociology research paper to do. Wish me luck.


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