September 14th, 2015

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One week until dooms day. I mean my birthday. Doctor who is back on Saturday woo!!!
Five days.
I was snapchatting with my girl this morning. We met at lunch and cheek kisses Cuz we're borderline lazbos tagetha.
There's no emotional attachment behind it. We're just being girls.
Um...I searched Ke$ha on tumblr Cuz Ke$ha is my idol and I was Su happy about it. And then I searched ohshc.
What else....?
My character in a Roleplay stepped on Lego and broke his leg. Poor bby.

Yeah...that smutty fanfic I was talking about....I put a chapter of it up. I'm taking requests on pairings with Canada because Canada's a slutty little shit in this one. I actually did a really good job on the first smut so that's good.

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