August 25th, 2015

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I asked my mom about the satellite again today. She told me I was addicted to television and then I took a shower. When I got out, mom was gone. Stupid mom.
I'm not fucking addicted to Television. It's just, we have this giant assed fancy TV and right now the only thing it's good for is hooking my laptop up and watching Anime. Like, c'mon. I want my 22 minutes. I want my stand up comedy and spun out. I wanna watch sleepy hollow and I didn't even get to watch holly wood game night this year...even though the number of celebrities I'm actually familiar with decreases all the time.
My dog's getting fucking annoying too. She won't stop whining when <brother> is here because she has attachment issues which sucks. Sure, bro, you're having fun and all with your friends. But I'm stuck here taking care of this annoying little creature who won't stop making these crying noises that sound like a bird being murdered except ten times more high pitched. And I'm female. Our ears are more sensitive to high pitched noises than the male humans.
Which is fine. You have fun sleeping in while I have to get up at six am to let out this god damn mutt so she can bark at her own shadow. I hope you have nightmares you little shit.
I haven't had Internet access in six days. Maybe seven. Nope I just checked. It was six. Wtf mom. I have friends you know and my wattpad drafts are building the fuck up, like, seriously. I can't see the world without Internet or TV. How do you expect me to live all cooped up in my bedroom reading gay smut and writing fanfictions.
I lied. I don't read gay smut all that much. And I don't write any of it. I haven't been able to without laughing so hard I had to stop. I don't know why but all those words like "nipple" and "ass" and "member" make me really uncomfortable. I mean...ass I use all the time. But not in that context. Unless kicking is involved. I talk smack way too much for someone who's barely five feet tall.
So I currently don't  have any ideas for the "60 chapter special" but it's a long time away and also....I have you guys. Pls tell me what u want a list of. Maybe my favourite animals.....?
A list of my favourite books?
Actually, that sounds like a good idea. And it won't take me two hours like the music one did. I hope.
So screw you guys. I can choose on my own. But if you have any ideas for the 90th I'd be glad to oblige. Jeeze. I only just got up less than and hour ago. So expect some more later ls further down.
Bye for now.

Mom came home and I hear some clattering and scratching noises just outside my bedroom wall where the satellite is so fingers crossed. Today could be the day. I'm hungry.

She gave up on it again. Jesus mom. I haven't had outside information in weeks.
And now she's complaining that the house is a mess. If I can't complain you can't either. All that mess is from <brother> no doubt.
I'm not even hungry anymore. I just want to curl up in my bed and stay here for the rest of my life.
Why does the world hate me?

I plan to boycott the rest of the world until I get TV back. I'm not leaving my room and I've been hungry since 2am but I'm not leaving my dang room.

Ugh. I've pretty much read everything on my wattpad library.  Why????!!!!

I've been lying in my bed all day with the exception of the ten minutes I spent going for a jog and everybody's given up on TV but I'm here the only one who can't do anything about it but also the only one who needs it. I don't want to leave my room until they fix it. I don't intend to. I'm just gonna stay under my blankets and cry because I have nothing to live for anymore.

I have 33 drafts on Wattpad. Good lord mama give me some internet.

I can't sleep and I feel like crying but I can't because everybody's still awake and stuff. Please help me kira. Please. I'm getting really lonely and depressed and I'm dreading school and my birthday and the terry fox run, which for those who don't know, it's a run for cancer prevention that everybody in Canada does. But it's like a social event. Everybody who does it at school does it with friends and now I don't have any of those so I'll just be walking alone with my imagine dragons and my Fall Out Boy and Ke$ha and Skiltron and such. Last year was fun because I had devin and we talked about reality shows while listening to the Doctor Who 50th anniversary soundtrack on deezer. It's been so long since those days. I figured out iTunes so now I can just use a YouTube converter to get my music on my iPod.
Therefore I didn't have to panic! At the disco when my free trial ran out.
Anyhoo I have to figure out this whole crying situation. I think writing this is helping a bit. But it would help more if I knew people were actually reading it. Which I know they aren't. I still expect random questions. I'm desperately open and lonely.
I'm pretty sure half the world could have blown up and I wouldn't know about it because of my lack of information materials. Why was I brought into this life? Seriously. I'm going insane and it hurts to look at other people now because I feel like they're all annoyed at me or something. But I don't know any other way of getting attention.

What am I talking about? I need to rethink my life.

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