August 28, 2015

12 0 0

We're at the cottage right now and I thought I'd choose this moment to write because it's calm. There's a ladybug sitting on top of my iPod and he's cleaning his face with his little bug feet. I named him Stanley.
He's my new best friend. Now he's on my finger. And now my leg. Kira that tickles. He jumped to my foot. He's on top of my wait where did he go? Stanley? STANLEY?!!!
Come baaaaaack.
Great. There goes another friend. He probably went to Alberta too. Speaking of which, that Internet friend I said is moving to NS decided to stay in Alberta. Fuck you Alberta. I'm tired of your shit.
It's been over a year since I've been here. I mean actually been here.  Staying the night wise.
It was with <best friend>
the hammock is up which me and her spend all day just lying down in together and talking about doctor who.  I wasn't into anime back then. Boy have times changed.
I hope I can relax. My moms cousin is coming up (along with tons of other people) and her new husband (who she's been engaged to since the beginning of time I swear) plays guitar. Also a girl my age is coming up. She also writes and watches doctor who so yay for having things in common. Unfortunately she doesn't go to my school so permanent friendship is out of the question. We'll probably develop a camp friend relationship like I have with my convention friends and family members of friends. I'll only see her during outings probably.
Anyhow I think that's all I have to say. Bye for now.
-Shick the lonely

We went swimming. The water here is a river but it's close enough to the ocean that the water is salty. Now I'm chillin in a hammock and I feel kinda calm.

I forgot to mention the thing where we were in the truck on the way here and the dog stepped on the nozzle for a can of furniture polish and now my blanket smells like lemons.



Prucan lemons.

Sufin lemons.

Rongrell lemons.

Sebaciel lemons.





I got my guitar out and I got through the first four bars of dust in the wind when my uncle showed up and my mom was like "here's our music!" And I was like
"Thx mom..." -.-
So now we're listening to the radio on my uncle's truck and my guitar has been completely forgotten. And people wonder why I always feel useless.


That's what I'm gonna enjoy tonight.
Screw the music.

I feel numb.

I can't get lemons out of my mind.

But not that kind.


My stomach hurts from Pop. That wasn't a good idea to drink it. Sigh.

I think my emotions got shot. In he head. With numbness. Will they ever go back?

I feel like changing my lock screen to something strange and obscure in case somebody's checking the time.

I've got some weird pics on my iPod. I'm talking shirtless men seductively holding bananas and old ladies licking Popsicles. Don't ask. Actually do. I'll explain if you ask. Promise.

It's done. My lock screen is a picture of a guy with a prominent rape face cradling a toaster. His eyes are peering through the time and the date. Fuck society.

You remember that Hot Kool Aid video where at the end Jullian is sitting on the street and all the cars are passing him by, refusing to try hot kool aid?
That's like me. I have great ideas and talents and stuff but everybody's just immediately like "I don't care." It's like the world is trying to shut me up and tell me not to be original. Idk. Maybe I'm the Nikola tesla of this generation or something.  Yeah. That's gotta be it. I'm under appreciated because I'm just that great.


That's it.



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