Dec 14

5 0 0

I had double co-op today so I decided to start drawing my wife something. I did but I can't say what it is in case, at some point, she reads this. But I'll post it after its seen. Then I had sociology and the computer was down again so I just used my laptop. After lunch during my free I sat in the library and caught up to my soc work. I am not on the proper day. Just not for long. Tomorrow I have a double so I'm gonna do two days and then some assignments during my free.
Finally I had gym and even though I wanted to text my wife I had to play floor hockey again. Ugh.
Then I went home and finished off the drawing. It took 3-4 hours total. Wow.
Then I played with my cat and watched Ellen and now I have to draw Gilbird as a penis. Wow.

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