Feb 1st

19 0 0

Today was an absolute piece of shit. Why couldn't I just go to fucking school for gods sake.
It started with me getting up and playing on my iPod all morning and when I got hungry and went to make myself food I mentioned that the satellite was still out and my mom went on her usual spiff of "oh my god you're addicted to television nobody else in this house watches it just watch the stuff Mike sent us" but Mike doesn't even tape the shows I like anymore, just those crappy dysfunctional family shows for my mom. Then she told me to fix it myself but I didn't have the tools so she told me to wait until my brother got home but he won't lend me the tools and ended up yelling at me and calling me a stripper just because of my boots and the fact that he's sexist pig.
Well anyway this is my last chapter and I know this entire thing has just been me complaining about how I don't have any friends (which I still don't and never will) and how the fucking satellite is always broken but that's the limit and I don't feel like continuing on. I don't like to end this just as I'm getting into another depression but this wouldn't happen if the people didn't cancel school over nothing.
I'm both glad and empty about this ending but that's what you get when you decide to add chapter specials and such.
Anyway, I bet you're tired of this garbage too. Aren't you?
So bye.
-Shick fucking Zander

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