Spetember 10th, 2015

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I can't wait

So today I was in some Geeking chats and such. That was fun. I don't use Geeking enough anymore.
Then I was chatting with my old crush on Facebook. That was fun.
He moved though like a year ago. Everybody moves. Apparently I don't live in an interesting village.
Yeah. I live in a village....
Technically I live 20 minutes away from the village in the middle of the woods but my school is there.
I had an interesting shamchat as prussia with Hungary. You can find it in "book of hetalia mostly." I think I'm gonna post my other notable shamchats in there just Cuz.
The gym teacher said he liked my sweater. It's a nice sweater but the shirt under it is clear and I was really hot for half the day.
I had a double free so I finished up and posted Aftermath. I did remember to send the link to that fan. So now that aftermath is up I'm going to finish my NSNY and then work on the rough drafts for my next endeavour. It's gonna be a face family thing. I'm not sure if I'm using pairings yet.

That's all for now

Au revoir mes amis.

Guess who got the satellite fixed!!
I'm watching Ellen tonight!! Boo yah!

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