Jan 21st

6 0 0

The exAm was fucking easy. Every one of us finished the two hour exam in one hour. Then I had an hour in co-op where I started drawing m!preg Norway upon request. Then since I no longer have sociology to do I just chilled in the library and read the newest chapter of Kuroshitsuji. It was awesome. Sebby got rejected by a cat.
Then I tumblred on my free and in gym we had to clean up the gym but the only ones helping were me, my ex but also my friend and my other ex but we only dated by name.
We're all friends tho.
Anyway we found the handle to a foam sword and holy shit it would make a great dildo. We were joking about the dildo all afternoon. Everything we found in the equipment room could have been used for sex. Just saying. God I read too much fanfiction.
Other ex found a role and a half of paper towel but it was so old it had been wet and dried and wet again and he was like "somebody was fapping in here." and there was this blue blanket so you Know things were kinky.
Also there were these weird batt things with a curve at the end ;)
I laughed my ass off man. Anyway bye.

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