August 11th, 2015

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Totally almost forgot to write today.
I woke up at 2 and though "nothing's gonna happen today." My mom watched a movie while I read and then she's like "let's go to <neighbour with internet's>" and I was like "Kay." So I was chatting up some friends and one of them was like "ur writing is great. We should collaborate." So I was like "Kay." And I just now dug up one of my ideas to send her next time I'm online.
Anyway. I was in this Hetalia house party RP as Canada. I was gonna be NS but then there was a Prussia and I didn't want to be the only oc so I was like "OH CANADA OUR HOME AND NATIVE LAND...."
So we were playing truth or dare and 2p!Nyo!england was like "is it true that you daydream about Prussia." And I was like all shy and said "yeah." And then Prussia  was like kesesese like he often is. And then I turned to Prussia and this is basically how it happened.

Canada: truth or dare, Gil.
Prussia: dare!
Canada: I dare you to -mumbles- kiss me
England: -while doing usuk things with America- please speak up Matthew
Canada: um...idareyoutokissme
Prussia: kisses Canada 
Then there was a lot of blushing and the game kinda faded Cuz like I said. Usuk was happening and Germany went home because Italy was making pasta at his house and then I got up and was like "g2g" and prussia was like "aww do you have to." And I was like "I ran outa maple syrup." And Prussia was all "I'm sure arthur has some around here." Cuz we were at Arthur's house. And then I was complaining that arthur/iggy/england didn't have the "pure" stuff and that he only had aunt jemima that he stole from Alfred's place. And I went to leave but I was in my car and realized I forgot Kuma who was inside playing with panda Cuz I ship them so hard and I texted prussia who brought in kuma out and then prussia was like "drive safe."
If he hadn't said that none of this next stuff would've happened but I'm a sucker for irony so I made Canada get in a car accident and Kuma ran back to the party to get Gil who called an ambulance with France Guana.
So now Canada's in a coma and it's best in my situation where I don't have the internets. And I'm thinking of making this into a fanfic.
Anyway I'm happy me now and kinda hyper. It's midnight and tomorrow I have to go to this thing for my great Grammy so...sorry for the very hyper paced prose. I drank a chocolate milk.
The bestest Canada Roleplayer ever, Shick.

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