Moment# 1

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°Chloe Armel°

"No!-Reece i swear to God-ouch.Dennis!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sooo sorry."

"Such a nerd."

I glared at them all even though i knew my glare was getting wasted because it was dark.Competely and utterly dark.I couldn't even see my own hands.Incase you're wondering where the hell are we.Let me enlighten you.

We were at the school.

In the middle of the night.

"If you stepped on my foot one more time- !"

"What the fuck,Reece! Stop pushing-"

I heard Reece taking a deep breath.I was standing at a safe side from them.I didn't want to be stomped on.

"Aren't you dickheads forgetting a teeny tiny thing?",Reece asked in a smooth voice.

"What?",the twins said in unision,wonder clear in their voices.

"Dennis? Remind them before i cut their dicks off."

"He is talking about flashlights ,dumbass."


The boys literally dragged me here.Since i joined the "dark side",as the twins reminded me on daily basis,i was expected to take part in their "dark works".

They turned their flashlights on.I was biting my nails in fear of being caught.What if we got suspended? What if i heard that awful word by the name of detentio-

My eyes flinched at the sudden glare of light.They all had pointed their flashlights at me and they were,


"Lighten up,little C.",Val said in a cheerful voice.

"Once a nerd,always a nerd.",Reece said and i could imagine that stupid smirk on his handsome face!.

"So true.".

Ofcourse,how could the twins stay behind?

"Seriously guys,you're blinding me! Get it away from m-".In an instant the light was pointed away from me.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I was getting a sense of deja vu.This was where i met Reece and the boys.My diary..the fight.

My lips formed a smile of their own.

I glanced at the five tall,built up guys,dressed in black.They as well as i were wearing masks.I pushed my mask up because it was annoying the hell out of me.While they looked like badass in them,i looked like a rat caught in a trap.

"Gentlemen,let the fun begin.",his deep voice echoed around us.

"Must you always repeat that dialouge,Reece?."

"Must you always ruin my fun,fucktard?."

Each one of them were holding dozen pieces of papers in their hands.I really had no idea what was up with the papers.They only wanted me to stand like a guard and inform them if someone came.

I was holding a baseball bat in my hands.The bat was shaking because my whole body was trembling with fear.Well,excuse me for being a good girl!.

I stilled when i felt a presence behind me.My blood ran cold.I could taste bile in my mouth.I was frozen on my spot,my legs not responding to my command.The boys were busy inside the classroom while i was standing outside.


All of sudden i felt that person's hand creeping on my back like a bug and that's when i snapped.I whirled around and swung the bat with full force at the intruder's face.

I wanted to hear the crack of his jaw breaking but he caught the bat in one swift movement of his hand.I tried to yank the bat back but his iron like grip didn't let go of it.I couldn't even see his face-


I nearly collapsed with relief.Oh my God.My hand flew to my thudding heart which was about to jump out of my throat and attack the floor.

He was standing infront of me,swinging the bat in his hand as if it weigh nothing,his mischievous green eyes sparkled in the dark.

"What the hell happened?.",Val's voice floated from inside the class.

"She thought i was FBI,about to whisk her away".

Laughter erupted from inside,making my face flame with anger.Who did he think he was! Sneaking up on me like that! Scaring the living daylights out of me!.

He was only smirking at me.Probably enjoying Chloe's never ending list of embarassing moments!.

"Who the hell do you think you are!",i screeched,my hands curling into fists.

He placed a long finger on his chin,humor filling up his eyes.

"Hmm,lemme think",he said in a serious voice,tapping a finger on his chin.

"Oh,i know.",he said in a cheery voice.

"I'm Reece.Nice to meet you.",he said in a mocking voice.

"And you're a jerk.",i pushed his shoulder out of anger.

"Careful.You'll hurt yourself".

His arrongant reply made me want to scratch his jewel like eyes out!.

He placed a hand on my shoulder,shaking his head sadly,"Chloe chloe chloe,i know i'm unbearably hot.Trust me ,i know.But must you always stare at me like that?"

My face scrunched up in confusion,anger forgotton,"Like what?."

He smirked.

"Like you're going to eat me alive."

My face turned beet red,my anger coming back in full force.I was about to stomp inside when he yanked me in his arms,his hands tightning around my waist.

"Let go of me!",i snapped,trying to get out from his vice like grip.

"I'm sorry.",he whispered in my ear,making me shiver.I stopped my struggle,my hands went around his neck.

"-nerd.",he teased,crushing me to himself even more.

"Jerk.",i mumbled in his shirt.

His warm,soft side always made me feel so. . .safe. . .so warm.

At home.

He was my home.


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