( part 2 )

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When we finally reached the end.I let out a long whoosh of air...

And then mom gasped-a deafening explosion rocked the car.

"Noooo",Seb screamed like he was about to be raped.

"We...we're going down",she cried.

I shut my eyes...seeing Chloe face as we plunged into the swamp


We hit hard with a loud thud.

Seb bounced all over the backseat.When the car finally slid to a stop,he was sitting on the top of me.

"Is everyone okay? Reece? Seb honey?",Mom asked in a shaky voice.She turned to the back.

"Uh huh...fine fine"

"Yeah,i'm...f-fine",he answered in panic.

"What happened?",i asked.

"Flat tire",she sighed."I hope the spare is okay.There is no way we're going to get help at night in the middle of the swamp"

I leaned out the window,Seb still on my stomach,to check out the tire.

Totally flat.

Fuck,we were lucky.Lucky this was a low bridge.Otherwise...

"Everyone out of the car",mom interrupted my thoughts.

"Get your butt off me",i pushed him away.He took a long look out the car window before he opened the door.

"Better be careful,Seb",i said as he swung his short,stubby legs out of the door,"The mud monster likes low targets"

"That's funny,Reece.Really funny! Remind me to laugh next time!"

Mom headed for the trunk to find the jack .I was about to follow when..

"Aw shit!".

My brand new sneakers sank into the thick black mud.

I let out a long sigh.

The air felt thick and soupy.So hot,that it was hard to breath.I couldn't see much.The sky had darkened to black.

"Kids,stand aside while i fix the tire",mom announced.

My eyes pop out at that.

"Mom! I'm right here! You don't need to-"

"No no no no it's okay.I was dying to use my new jack anyway",mom smiled.

"But mom-"

"No.Go on ...explore this area with Seb while i fix this"

"I don't think that's such a great idea....exploring the mud",Seb murmured.

"Sure it is",i urged,"there's nothing else to do and it's better than standing around here.isn't it?"

"I.....i guess so",He stammered.

We took a few steps into the swamp.My face begun to tingle and itch.

Fucking mosquitoes! Hundreds of them!

We ducked and dodged,brushing them off our faces and our bare arms.

"Yuck! It's disgusting out here",Seb cried."I'm going back to the car"

I stomped through the mud,glancing over my shoulder to make sure Seb was following me.

He was.

"Don't fall back...there might be snakes ",i teased.

"WHAT??!" he jumped away from me.

"Chickenn",i called,"let's do some Dora the explorer work"

"No way!",he choked out the words," And don't call me chicken!"

Tiny bugs buzzed in my ears.Bigger ones bit at my neck.I swatted them aeway.

"Come on Reece! Let's turn back",Seb pleaded,still following me.

"Just a little further"

We made our way carefully through the trees,sloshing through puddles of inky black water.

I stepped forward,onto a dry ,grassy patch on ground.


The patch started to move.


It started to float across the black water.

I leaped off the in one swift movement and landed on a tree root.

No.Not a tree root.

"Hey Seb look at this"

I bent to get a better look.

"What is that",he kneeled beside me and peered at it.

"It's called a cypress knee",i explained," mom told me about them.They rise up from the roots"

"Wow.Your mom is so cool.How come my mom never tells me abouth these things?",he demanded.

"I guess she doesn't want to scare you",i replied.

"Yeah right! As if-"


Seb jumped a foot in the air at the loud spooky sound i just made.

A bark of laugh escaped from my mouth.Poor kid.

"Aw,were you scared?"

"I-i was not!",he sputtered,wiping the mud from his jeans.

"You totally pissed in your pants.Just admit it",i insisted.

"I was NOT scared",his tiny voice started to rise.

"Who was the one begging to go back?",i reminded him,"You! You! You!"

"What's all the fighting about?".Mom appeared out of nowhere.

"Reece?!",then she turned at Seb,"honey,are you alright? You seem a bit...pale?"

"Sorry mom",i apolozied,"But we were kind of bored...just waiting around"

"We?! What do you mean we?.It was all his idea",Seb protested,"He's the one who wanted to go all Dora the explorer"

"O yeaaah? What about you shitting your pants-"

"That's enough.",mom sighed," Everyone back to the car."

She started to lead the way,muttering stuff with herself.

"It was your fault!",Seb snapped,shoving me .

"Yours too,cousin",i shot back.

"You are so stupid!"

"Not more than you,buddy"



so guys i thought every single chapter shouldn't include chloe and reece ...chloe and reece.

Man! My examz r gonna start from monday nd here i am .....on wattpad.

Mom said she will skin me alive if she saw me doing stuff other than studying.

That's it.

I will upload when i'm done with my examz *waaaaaaa.....*

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now