Chapter 33 (part 1)

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Did you guys hear Exotic by priyanka feat pitbull?

If u haven't then GO GO GO GET IT.

Man! I haven't stopped dancing since i heard it ;).


¤ Chloe Armel ¤

"But Val,he said that-"

"If you said that word one more time Chloe,i'll-"

My eyebrows tied up in a knot,"Val,it's okay to be scared.We'll be here for you no matter what."

I heard him sighning deeply as if controlling himself.

"I.Am.Not.Gay.",he said through gritted teeth.

I started to pace in my bedroom.Why wasn't he accepting the truth?!.

"I can't fucking believe it! He's such a mothafucka!.",he growled and i winced.


"Do i look",he struggled.

"Um,gay?.",i supplied,twirling a strand of hair around my finger.

"Yeah.That.",he grumbled in the phone.

Let's see.Valentino was the manliest of man.He was such a....guy.

I shook my head,"No."

"I'm coming over and someone is about to lose his dick!".With that he ended the call.

I sighed and stared at my phone.I had absolutely no idea what the fudge was both of the boys on about?

After yesterday,Reece had refused to even utter Ashton's name.Whenever i would bring it up,his jaw would get locked and he would simply change the topic.


I smiled sourly,feeling the all too familiar ache.

I wonder when would it go away whenever his name would pop up?.Would i always feel that familiar ache? Would it never let me go?.

No .It would never let me go.

Who would forget their first ever rejection?. The person who messes you up and leave you all alone to pick up the pieces? Who would forget that?.

No one.

A lone tear fell from my eye and i laughed.

Stupid stupid tears.

They just never leave you alone,do they?.

Always shows up when you desperately want them not to.

I walked towards my bed and climbed in,the soft foam sinking in,and curled up in a ball.

Honestly,i had no idea why was i feeling like crap after seeing Ashton.Why was i feeling so low? So hollow?.

A smile spread on my face when another tear fell from eyes into the pillow.Funny,when you're smiling and crying at the same time.

I was smiling because i was getting flash backs of what a fool i had been.

I was crying because i could see in my memories the fool had no idea of what was going to come her way.

My hand punched the pillow.

I could see myself begging him not to leave me.Not to break me.Not to take the life out of me.

And he?.

He was only shaking his head with a lazy smile on his face as if he was used to be begged by girls.

No pain is greater then the pain of feeling used.Feeling worthless.Like anyone can use you for anything.

I opened my eyes and they fell on my bedside table.

I smiled ,a true smile this time,when i saw the frame.

Reece and me.

Me and Reece.

In that picture,Reece had bared his teeth with fake fangs,his face near my neck and i was staring at the camera with a scared look.He was the vampire and i was his "pretty little prey".

My hand reached out and took the frame carefully.

The more i stared at his face,the more my grin would get wide.

Before meeting him,i didn't know that i can simply look at someone and smile for no reason.

I hugged our picture to my chest,missing him all of sudden.

I checked my wrist watch and was please to find that he would be home at this hour,done with his practice.

I got off my bed and went to my wardrobe to wear something decent and cute.

I couldn't wait to see him.


I peeked inside his room but couldn't see him.

My heart squeezed a little.

I sighed in disappointment and turned around when i heard his voice.His strained breathless voice.Like he was breathing very hard.

My eyes narrowed and i found myself entering his room on tip toes.

Just what was he doing?.

Was he...

Don't be ridiculous!

Why do you always dish out your stupid assupmtions without any proof?

I shrugged my thoughts off .

Where was he and what-

I stopped in my tracks.

There he was.

He was doing push ups.His back muscles were flexing with the up and down movement.Droplets of sweat were coating his backside.He was wearing sweat pants.

My throat went dry.

I couldn't help but gawk at him with my mouth open like a dead fish.

"Stop perving on me."

"I'm not.",i said a little too quickly.I dared myself not to blush at the fact that he had caught me staring.


I frowned."I wasn't!"

"Okay,princess.",his voice was strained,"Whatever you say."

I kept a straight face.

What was the point of beating around the bushes?.

"Okay;you got me.".

He scoffed,still doing his push ups,"Oh really?."

I cleared my throat awkwardly because the way he was doing the push ups and the way his muscles were flexing,it was making me nervous,jittery,warm.

The veins curling around his arms were bulging with the strain .

"Stop looking at me like that.",he commented casually.

I raised a brow,"Like what?."

"Like a thirst crazed camel."

I rolled my eyes."You wish,Reece.You wish."

He laughed,beads of sweat sliding down his back,"I don't wish,loser.I already know it."

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