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°Reece Carter°

"We're in trouble."

They all glanced up at me like i had grown two heads since the last time we met.The twins looked at each other while Valentino raised a brow.

"Bro,incase you failed to notice we're always in trouble."


This was our chilling-out point.This was my thinking spot.Val patted the ground beside him,signaling me to place my ass down.I huffed and sat beside him,We could see the whole school from here.

"Want one.?",Val asked,waving a cigarette in my face.

I nodded,snatching it from his hand.He had already lightened it up.I savored its cheap taste,feeling my inside burning and relaxing.

"Where's Dennis?.",i asked,exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Where do you think?.",Val asked rolling his sleeves up.

The twins snickered.


That dude was even more whipped then me.Allie had transfered to another school,since that day the guy had gone nuts.He was always rushing to meet her whenever he got the chance to.I would never ever EVER admit it infront of chloe but she had me wrapped around her finger more then Allie had Dennis.

"You didn't tell us.What trouble?.",Jayden asked,drawing a smiley face on the ground with a stick.

Should i tell them?

Fuck it.

"It's nothing guys.Just some shit.",i lied keeping my eyes fixed on a tree.

"Bro,don't fucking lie to me.What is it? Either you tell us or i'll ask Chloe-"

"Fuck you."

"You know you love me."


Ten seconds passed at silence,before Valentino smacked me right on across the head.

"The fuck,Val!",i winced as i rubbed the back of my head.

"Stop acting like a bitch.Spill!".

I glanced at Jayden and Jake who were looking at me with a sombre face.

I sighed.

There was no use of arguing when it came to my assholes of a friends.

I shoved my hand in the back pocket of my pants and fetched the piece of paper out,handing it to Valentino.

The twins huddled around him and what they read made them frown.I could see their nostrils flaring.Val hands gripped the paper tightly,his lips formed a tight line.

"Who the fuck is it?!",Val snarled,his eyes going hard.

I threw a rock at the tree i was gazing at and watched untill it was out of view.

"I would've ended up in jail if i knew who he was.",i said in a rough voice,feeling sudden protectiveness towards Chloe.

I remembered her worried face.Her tears.Man! I hated her tears,they were like my arch enemies!.I never ever want them on her innocent face.


I glanced at the three,they were in deep thoughts,probably planning a murder already.They were exchanging glances,before looking away.The silence was too much to endure.

"What do you guys suggest we do?.",i asked rolling a rock in my fingers.

That was a wrong question to ask because they opened their mouths and started to speak at once.

"We should slit his throat-"

"-may be cut his dick-"

"-beat the fuck out of him-"

"-son of a bitch-"

"Guys!",i said in a calm voice,a headache was already building up,thanks to my fucked up friends.


"-our Chloe-"

"-how the fuck did he dare-"

"GUYS!!",i literally yelled,shutting them up .


"Stop talking! You're damaging my brain!",i snapped,rubbing my temples.

"Like you've one,retard.",Valentino retorted back.

"Yeahhhhh.",the twins said in sync.

I stayed quiet and lay down on the grassy area beside me,placing my arms behind my head.I gazed at the sky.It was so blue. .so clear. . .like her..

When i blinked,Val,Jayden and Jake's face were blocking my view of the sky,their faces five inches away from me.


"Listen.",Val said with a hard glint in his eyes,"there is no need to fret over that fucking note some shitface send,okay?.You know we'll destroy anyone who tries to harm her."

JAke and Jayden nodded .

I closed my eyes,blocking their faces.I knew they would never let anyone hurt a single hair on her head.

Hell,i would rip that fucktard into pieces myself !

I placed an arm on my eyes,needles pricking on my back,"I know guys. .i just want to find that shit and tear him into pieces."

"Dude,you leave that to us.",Jayden said in a firm voice.

I almost smiled at that.

I don't know who,slapped my stomach.Hard.

I groaned,rubbing my stomach which was still wincing.

"Careful Jake,He's fragile ,remember?",Val's sly remark reached my ear.

"Fuck the fucking fuck off!",i snapped,slapping his hands away from me.

"Aww,i know you want me.",Valentino said in a high pitched voice.

I opened my eyes,glaring up at him.He had a smug smile on his face while the twins were smirking at each other.

"Fucking morons.",i muttered,squinting at the glaring sun.

"What? Didn't hear you?",Valentino said in a confused voice.

I kicked him hard in the stomach.He doubled over in pain,gasping for breath.

And laughing .

"That was a kick ass kick,dude",Jake said while Valention acted like he was dead,his tongue was sticking out of his mouth.

"Let's go. ",Jay said getting up.We all got up dusting ourself.

"Val,you coming,man?"

"Can't you see?i'm dead."



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