Bonus For You

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This is not a chapter guys.It's kind of a bonus thingy for you :)


"And what're you wearing?",he asked sounding curious.

"Let me check.."

I was laying on my bed,staring at the stars on my ceiling.They were shimmering so much that i wanted to reach out and touch them.It was the middle of the night and i was talking with Reece..

On my cellphone.

"I'm wearing my pink pjs..",i said,checking myself one more time.


" hair are captured into a pony tail right now"

"Why?",he asked in a clipped voice.A shuffling sound came from his side.Sounded like he was changing his side.

"What do you mean why? I like it this way",i replied while twirling a stray hair.

"Don't.I like them open.Just...uncapture",he said in a serious voice.

"Reece! It's the middle of-"


His soft voice reached my heart and a warm feeling spread up in my entire body.I felt...drunk..

"Okay.Hold on"

"I'm right here,princess"

I placed my cell on the bed and took off my red rubber band from my hair.They spilled everywhere in wavy locks.

I grabbed my cell and tucked it between my shoulder and ear.

"Happy?",i asked him sourly.

"I love you"

Dear lord,did he want to give me heart attack with each warm word he was saying? All of sudden i wanted to see him.I was missing him.I really didn't know why...

I just was..


"Which song is on your mind right now?",he asked in eager voice.

Trust him to make me forget what was i about to say.

"Chloeee?",his voice rang in my ear pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You really want to know?"


I frowned over that,"Don't curse"

He sighed .

"Yes,your highness"

I smiled at his grumpy voice.I could imagine that cute crooked smile on his face.

"Tik tok.I'm waiting-"

"Chloe and Reece,

sitting on a tree,

K I S S I N G"

His deep laugh cut me off,making me smile.He had the kind of laugh which makes your heart warm.

And fluffy.

I turned around in my bed and switched my bed side lamp off.Now it was dark except for the twinkling of stars.

Finally he stopped laughing and i sighed in relief.

"What about you?"

"What me?",he asked,confused

I rolled my eyes.

"Which song are you thinking about?"

"I'll tell you if you do what i ask",he said in a seductive voice,making me shiver.


"Kiss me.Right on the cell"

I felt my whole face turning pink.Was he mad?

"Are you ma-"

"Chloe?",he sounded serious.

"What?",i squeaked.

"Kiss me....and i'll kiss you back"

I stared at my cell in the dark.What was wrong with him? But he said he would kiss me back..

I took a deep breath and kissed my cell with a loud "Muaaah"

"There,"i said,"happy?"

"More than happy",he answered,making my heart beat rise.

"Your turn.Kiss me",i demanded.

"Why would i?",he asked arrongantly.

"Excuse me? I kissed my damn cell-"

He snorted.

"That's because you're stupid"

That warm feeling vanished and right now i wanted to kill him!

"Listen you jerk! You better-"

A loud "Muaaaah" sound came from his side.Actually it was much louder than mu kiss.

"Man! I can feel your blush even from here"

"Shut up!"

He laughed,sounding like he was enjoying more than usual.


"Yeah?",he asked in a sleepy voice.

"You didn't tell me....that song",i mumbled.

"You really wanna know,nerd?",he asked ,teasing me.


He didn't say anything for a while making me wonder about the quality of the song but than his voice floated in my ear..

"Let's meet at our favourite spot,

You know the one right around the block,

From the nice place that you love to shop,

can you get away?,

Let's talk,

One on one,

Without a crowd,

I wanna hold your hand,

Make you laugh again,

I need to be near you,

You own my heart,

Don't turn away,

Pay attention,

I'm pouring out my heart..."

And then the line went dead,letting me know he dozed off..

A goofy smile made its way on my face.

He was wrong..

I didn't owned his heart..

He owned mine...



The song Reece was quoting is my favourite.It's right by my side by nicki minaj and chris brown.

I love that song..

It reminds me of...

Mornings,fresh green tea, greenery, my mom,my dad.....

Everything good :)

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now