( part 2 )

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I walked across the room,kicking bunch of T-shirts out of my way and stopped right beside him with my hands on my hips.

I probably didn't see him because he was on the other side of the bed,doing this...this hot excercise.

I kicked his leg lightly.

"Oooh princess is angry.",he said in a high pitched voice,making me want to kill him and kiss him at the same time.

I chuckled .

"Shut up.".I flopped on his back like it was a couch.

A very hot couch,might i add?.

Now,he was moving up and down with me sitting on his back.

"Make yourself comfortable,please.",he said with his most sarcastic tone.

"Oh,i'm.",i grinned while he did his push ups.

"Fat ass.",he muttered.

"Now now Reece,don't be rude.",i chided,grinning .

I leaned down and placed my head between his shoulders,my arms going around his bare chest .

This is was so...nice.


"Yeah?",his breathing was hard.

"Have i ever mentioned that i love you?."

"Hmm.",he said in a thoughtful voice,"Nope.Never."

I smiled at his tone,feeling my cheeks go warm,"I love you."

There was silence and then..

"I love you too.I love you more than anything.",his voice was low,messing with my heart beat.

"By the way i talked to Valentino."

He stopped moving,"Yeah?."

"Mhmm.He was denying-"

The door slammed open with a loud bang.It collided with the wall with a loud noise.I sweared i jumped a foot in the air,placing a hand on my thudding heart.

A very angry,a very pissed off Valentino was standing in the door way.

He glared at Reece who had stood up beside me with a smirk on his face.

Alright.I wasn't liking it.

Valentino was standing on the other side of the bed,his eyes not leaving the boy standing beside me even for a second.

"Lookie lookie who got a cookie.",Reece said,crossing his arms across his chest,the smirk widening.

"You..you..",Val glanced at me as if realizing i was there and then glanced at Reece ,"You son of a biscuit!."

Reece laughed,nudging me a little,"What're you going to say next,Val? I'll kick your ashtray?."

The vein popping on Val's forehead started to throb furiously.

"Stop it.Reece.",i hissed.

Valentino turned around and shut the door behind him,locking it.

"I'm sooo scared.My dick is about to wither and die.",Reece said in a dry voice.

Valentino laughed in a really evil way,"You won't've adick after i'm done with you,shit face!."

He jumped on the bed,which was between us,not even caring that his mud covered sneakers were leaving muddy foot prints on the bed sheet.He hopped down to catch Reece but he had dashed to the other side of the bed where Val was just a few seconds ago.

Now,a seething Valentino was standing beside me.

"GAY?! What the fuck were you thinking!",Val bellowed,fisting his hands tightly,his knuckles turning white with the force.

Reece placed a hand on his heart,his grren eyes sparking,"It's okay,Val.We totally understand.We will always support you."

Val took a deep breath.

"I'm warning you!.Don't fuck with me!.",Valentino's voice raised a few octaves.

"Val.",i placed a hand on his shoulder,catching his angry glare.

I squeezed his shoulder lightly,"It's okay to be gay.We're here for you."

He snorted."You're funny."

Reece laughed,clutching his stomach,"Valentino The Gay.".He burst out laughing.Reece was facing trouble in keeping his eyes open due to his laughing fit.

And then everything slowed down,like a scene in a movie,as Valentino shot forward and jumped on the bed catching me and specially Reece off guard.Reece didn't had the time to blink.

The next second i knew Valentino had knocked Reece to the floor and was straddling him,his face furious and hair wild.

"YOU BITCH!",his punch landed on Reece's shoulder.He winced but didn't stop laughing.

"Glad to know you punch like a girl,Valentino.",Reece commented in between his laughing .

"STOP LAUGHING! YOU BASTARD!",this time he punched him on his jaw,shutting him up.

Both of them were rolling on the floor trying to have the upper hand and i had no doubt in believing that Valentino was'nt "gay".

It was actually hard to even imagine a gay Valentino,i grinned.

"YOU'RE GAY! YOUR WHOLE FAMILY IS GAY!",Val roared,punching his best friend's stomach.

Reece laughed,making him even more angry,"We're going to find a boyfriend for you.",Reeece cooed.


Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now