(Part 2)

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"GUYS!",Valentino yelled,grabbing our attention at once.He narrowed his eyes at us in warning,

"Stop acting like bitches! Jake and jayden? Shut the fuck up! And you,"he directed his glare at me,"unless you don't want to get punched i will suggest ,SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

I took a deep breath and crossed my arms against my chest while Jake and Jayden kept their deathly glares on my face.

"I guess i should call Dennis.He's good with all the sappy shit",i suggested in a serious voice.

Valentino raised his eyebrow,

"Right.Dump all of your shit on him 'cause you are a fucking pussy!"

"I wasn't doing that! I said we should call him for...advice",i protested in a defensive voice.

He rolled his eyes and placed his butt on the table,

"Listen to this mothafucka,guys.You're one mean bitch,Carter"

I groaned,falling back on the chair,"What do you suggest then,queen bitch?",i asked in a bitter tone.

He was looking at me like he was debating whether to kill me or not.All of sudden that playful glint in his eyes vanished and a serious look consumed his eyes.

Not good,not good.

Even the twins had a curious expression on their faces when they caught the sudden change of look on his face.

Finally he opened his mouth,looking slightly worried,"You've to get back to her.Fast.'Cause i can see the way that Charloz or whatever the fuck his name is,looking at her the way you look at her"

I kept staring at him,still processing his rant and when it did made a sense,everything washed up in red.

I stood up abruptly,feeling loads of emotions at once.Like a bucket of emotions were thrown on my face,


"Are you shitting me?!",i snapped in a cold voice feeling a green monster erupting in my chest ,clawing at my insides,making me feel pain so intense that i wanted to rip my heart out and burn it into ashes.

He shook his head.

Her friend!

That fucking piece of shit!

He was probably enjoying my misery,wasn't he?!

That cunt!

"Reece",Valentino hissed,planting a hand on my shaking shoulder,

"calm the fuck down,man.I may be wrong".

I shrugged off his hand angrily and laughed harshly,

"Come on then,lets ask that motherfucker!"

I felt like fire was burning me from inside,filling up my veins with burning rage.

"Recce! You're not thinking clearly-"

"If he touched her in any wrong way or even dared to look her in the wrong way,Val,i'll rip his throat with my own bare hands!i swear to God-"

He pushed me back,my legs hit the chair behind me ,trying to knock some sense in me," LISTEN TO ME FOR FUCK SAKE! "

He pushed me again and this time i landed on the chair.I could see i was scaring my friends with my rash behaviour.I never lashed out like this.


I nodded.He took a deep breath as if calming himself,muttering "Shit".

I was staring at the floor,wanting to beat the crap out of that....thing.

"You've got nothing to do with him,okay?",Valentino said in a soothing voice.

I didn't reply.

"OKAAAY?",he repeated with a demanding tone.

I nodded reluctantly,tapping my fingers on my knee trying to distract my mind.

"All you've to do is make it up to whatever shit you made her go through"

I saw Jake and Jayden nodding over this.

I nodded.Again.

Something was ripping me from inside.

Something strange..


I had to go to her.

I had to feel her hand in mine..

I had to feel her lips against mine..

I had to feel her against me,damn it!

She was mine.

Only mine.

No one else's.

No one else's.

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now