Chapter 31 (part 1)

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¤ Chloe Armel¤

I leaned against him.

The music and the lights seemed enthralling as i looked around with wide eyes.Teenagers were already in full swing and there were couples everywhere.

The music was deafening,the kind that gets into your chest and messes with your heart beat.Totally awesome.

But kind of scary too.

We were at a party Darren Thompson threw at his huge mansion.Apparently he was a friend of Jayden and hence we got dragged into this.Personally,i didn't even know the guy.I only knew that Darren was filthy rich and he wasn't shy in showing it off,i thought.

Reece had grumbled all the way to here.According to him "why attend a party when you can crash one?".He took it as abnormal for his "health".

The boys had dispersed into the growing crowd,god knows where.

Reece pulled me close to his warm body.Gladly,i placed my head on his shoulder,moving to the beat.

It seemed we were the only one dancing like this,moving from side to side ,like one would do on a slow romantic song, on Pitbull's rain over me.The crowd surronding us was grinding and some were actually going above the "grinding level."

"Reece?.",i called loud enough for only him to hear.

He shifted his arms so now they were loose around my waist.He leaned down and brought his mouth close to my ear,"What?."

His warm breath made me shiver,"We're looking like creeps:Everyone is staring at us."

My eyes wandered around and saw people staring at us with distaste clear in their eyes.

He scoffed,"Let them.Anyways,do you want something to drink?."

I leaned back,our bodies no longer touching.He frowned at that and pulled me close again.

I smiled ,feeling warmth spreading in my body.

"Yeah.I'm thirsty.".I rubbed my cheek against his jacket,feeling the sleekness of the leather.

He hummed and stopped moving.

I pulled back and he took hold of my hands around his neck and brought them down to his chest.

A smile spread on his lips,making him look adorable and sexy at the same time.His brown hair were having that messed up look and were falling in his green jewels.

He raised a brow,apparently noticing my gawky moment.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

He smirked and stuck his tongue out ,imitating me.

I scruched up my nose,annoyed.

He too scrunched up his nose,amused.

I pushed at his chest,he caught my hands and pulled me with himself.I laughed at his childness,"I'm....i'm thirsty,Reece.".I managed in between my laugh.

He sighed and nodded,"Fine.Don't move from here.Brb."

"Brb?.",i asked,pushing my hair out of my eyes.

He rolled his eyes,"Be right back,loser." and with that he was off,pushing people out of his way.


I crossed my arms across my chest.Even though i was wearing my favourite purple top and skinny jeans,i was still feeling cold.

I hugged my body,rubbing my shoulders and missed Reece's body heat.

A bubble of excitement formed in the pit of my stomach when i saw Valentino twirling Taylor.I clasped my hands,feeling proud.He was looking so handsome!.

His eyes flickered towards me and when he saw the look on my face,he shook his head.

I winked.

He wagged his brows and took hold of Taylor's hand and pulled her deeper in the crowd,disappearing into the crowd.

Cheeky Val.


I froze.

That deep voice.

"Fantaisie vous volrici .{ Fancy seeing you here.}"

No no no NO!

I fisted my hands.

I cursed my heart for pounding frantically against my chest.

I turned around as slowly as i could.As slowly as it was possible for a human but i knew i couldn't take forever.

My eyes clashed with bright blue ones,glinting in the light.Immediately,my heart called for Reece.

He smirked at my stuuned face,"Aren't vous allez dire salut,ma belle? [Aren't you going to say hi,my beautiful?]".

His deep golden hair was messed up perfectly and ofcourse how could one forget to notice his smirk.

His cunning smirk.

I plasted a fake smile on my face,not letting him have the satisfaction.

"Amour? [Love?].",his voice was...the same.As deep as ever.

My throat went dry.Everything came rushing back.


No matter how much you want,no matter how strong you are,you can never forget your first heart break.You can never let it go.Never.

And the cause of my first heart break was standing right infront of me,taunting me.

Stupid,stupid ,Chloe.Even after all this time he can still get to you.

I cleared my throat all of sudden feeling uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

Be civil,Chloe.

You can do it.

"Comment allez-vous,Ashton? [how are you ,Ashton?]".

He laughed,throwing his blond head back like he was finding me adorable,"Jamais ele mieux,ma belle. [Never been better,my beautiful]".

I ignored the "my beautiful" he said so lovingly.

I nodded,calling Reece with everything inside me.

"Ce qui-vous amene ici? [ what brings you here?]",i asked for the sake of conversation.

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