Chapter 16 (part 1)

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¤Chloe Armel¤

"Open up,you stupid thing!"

I cried out in frustration when the damn locker didn't budge.

The area here was empty,filled up with chilling silence except with the banging that was going on because of me.


No use.

I kicked it with all my might and ended up limping.I sat down on the floor in pure agony and clutched my poor injured leg.I glanced at my locker angrily and threw the big fat book of chemistry on it.

It bounced back and hit me squarely on the face,making me cry out in pain like a banshee would.

"Wait! Just wait you old bat!",i hissed ,trying to get up and failed miserably.

I was about to try again when all of sudden two pair of hands went around my waist and lifted me up on my feet.

I whipped around in panic and found my best friend's grinning face.

"Charles,"my loud voice echoed around us.A grin formed on face and i stepped forward to hug him.

"Once again,it's Charlie,"he grumbled in my hair.

"Aw shut up.You know you like it."

"And why,"he asked still hugging me," was your butt kissing the floor?."

"My butt fell in love with it.".I answered feeling great due to his warm hug.

"Right.Listen,"he whispered in a worried voice and leaned back," i haven't done my chem assignment.What the hell am i gonna say to sourball saur?"

Sourball Saur.

He was a tall and thin,nearly bald.He never kids around.He never smiles.His mouth is always puckered as if he's just bitten into a lemon.

He was sort of a legend here.Everyone tried to stay away from his wrath.Charles was in his class.I was the lucky one and landed in Miss Folsom's class.

I gave him a disapproved look.

"Ughh,come on.Help your friend in crisis",he whined going puppy eyes on me.

Did it work?



He cut me off.

"How about my uncle died?"

I gasped and slapped his chest,"Don't even joke about such things.That's mean"

He let go of my waist and leaned against the lockers,"Fine miss goody two shoe,give me a decent excuse then"

"I got soap in my eyes and was blinded for the rest of the night?"

"That",he pointed at me," is the dumbest excuse ever"

"How about i was doing it while taking a shit and wiped my ass with it by accident?"

My face pulled up in disgust.

"Really,Charlie? "

He threw up his hands in the air looking like an old lady,"How about,i have a life,sir?"

I shook my head,still thinking.

"Your assignmet wasn't challenging enough?"

"I got mugged on the way to school?"

I glanced up at him with a grin,"You can say you lost manual dexterity in your fingers and you had to rush to the hospital?"

He scoffed.

"Manual dexterity? dude that's got like seven syllables.Too many!"

I sighed in defeat.

"Can't you say a simple sorry?"

"Yeah right"

The bell rang announcing the end of a class.Charlie's eyes widened in terror and he banged his head against the lockers.


I moved towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder,"Why don't you...b-bunk his class?"

Slowly he lifted his head from the locker and turned towards me.His eyes were shinning with excitement.


He threw himself at me and hugged me tightly,knocking the breath out of me.

"Why didn't i think of that!"

In a blink of an eye he shot out like a loose cannon.


I shook my head.


I was standing awkwardly infront of secretary's desk.

She looked up at me behind those huge glasses like she wanted to set me on fire.


" locker is jammed"


" locker isn't opening"

"You said that already.I'm asking about the locker number?"

"Oh right.613"

"So what's the problem?"

Was she for real?!

"Ma'm its broken"

She glanced at me with an annoyed face,"I wasn't talking to you.Leave"

That's when i noticed the bluetooth attached to her ear.

"I'll send someone right away.Can you leave now?"

I nodded with a grumpy look on my face.She just wanted to get me out of her office before i died of embarrassment so she didn't have to drag my rotting body to the recycling bin.

This process would repeat atleast twice more.By the fourth time you'll realize no one actually cared whether or not your locker is jammed because they're too busy skyping with other secretaries and perfecting their facial expressions "ooh that was good,Mildred.Now try i-killed-your-puppy".

Old bats!.

Giving up on my locker issue,i walked through the study halls,thinking of...Reece.A girlish giggle exploded from my mouth on its own.A guy who was passing beside me cast a wierd glance at me.

I shrugged,not caring.

I was about to turn around the corner when a hand reached out and grabbed my arm,pulling me around the corner.

I tensed as fear gripped me and i would've screamed if a hand hadn't been placed on my mouth.I began to panic and the next instant i was whirled around,my eyes collided with a pair of large green eyes.

I relaxed in his hold,breathing in relief.

"Missed me?"

I rolled my eyes and mumbled,"you wish,jerk".

He threw back his head and gave a rich deep laugh as if he knew an inside joke..

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