( part 2 )

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Fluffy and soft like Reece's s kisses...

Back to the present.We were sitting cross legged in a circle.Reece was sitting on my left side while Valentino was sitting on my right side.Dennis,Jake and Jayden were sitting side by side.

An empty pepsi bottle was placed in the middle of the cricle.

I was kind of feeling intimidated by the five tall,built up guys surrounding me.I pressed my knee against Reece's.

"You guys're turning into chicks",Jayden announced in a grumpy voice.

"Yo! You don't want to play then get the fuck outta here",Valentino snapped.

"Jayden is right",Reece leaned back,his palms flat on the carpet.

"You can join him too then",Valentino spat.

He turned away from his best friend to us,"So gentlemen and,",he glanced at me,"Ladies.You all're familiar with the truth and dare game.But",he paused for a dramatic effect,"There're some rules which must be followed .Rules which won't be broken under my watch"

"Right",Reece drawled,"Because we're so fuckin' scared of you"

Valentino gave him a creepy smile,"You aren't but you will be"

"I'm sooo scared.Let me check my dick",Reece said in a mocking voice,"Naah,still there"

"What the fuck is your problem,bitch?",Val demanded,his brown eyes glistening.

"Here we go....",Reece muttered,rolling his eyes.

Valentino peered his eyes at Reece,"What was that?"

"Nothing.Please enlighten us with those rules",Reece remarked in his most sarcastic tone.

"Anywhore,",Val said,making himself comfortable,"Rule number one: If you chose truth,you can't change it to dare.Rule number two: If you chose dare ,you can't change it to truth and rule number three is for the love birds",he glanced pointedly at Reece and me,"No cheating"

I blushed crimson red while Reece was clearly unaffected by his best buddy's mocking.

"Dennis",Val said,"Spin the bottle"

Dennis nodded and caught hold of the bottle.He looked at us and spinned the bottle,leaning back in his place.

The bottle kept spinning and spinning round and round.We all stopped breathing when it slowed down and then it stopped,pointing at-

"LITTLE C",Valentino clapped,turning towards me.

I gulped when feel their gazes on my face.

My eyes turned at Reece who was smirking at me.

Help me,i pleaded through my eyes.

He shook his head,"You heard the guy,nerd.No cheating"


"Eyes here,"Jake teased,pointing at Valentino.

"Truth or dare?",Jayden asked,sounding....excited.

"Umm.....truth?",i squeaked.

"Are you asking us or telling us?",Dennis asked,confused.

"I choose truth",i declared.

"Damn!",Jake muttered.

"Okay now.Lemme think for a sec",Val said thinking hard.

"Is Reece a bad kisser?"

"Have you ever hear his fart?"

"Is saliva acutually exchanged during kissing?"

"Enough!",Val stopped them with his hand and then grinned scarily at me.

I gupled again.

Reece scratched the back of his neck,bored.

"I had always a sneaky suspicion but still,",Val said,"Have you ever kicked Reece.....in his balls?"

Reece snorted.

Immediately the scene where i did kick him,flooded in my mind,making me pink.


"Don't even dare to lie",Jake scolded.

My eyes flickered at Reece who was staring at the wall ahead of him.

"Yes",i whispered.

Everyone burst out laughing like i had just tole them the joke of this century.

"Haha",Reece commented in monotone,sounding anything but funny.

"Did he squeal?",Jake asked,wiping away a tear.

I shook my head.

"Shit! I was really hoping for that".

It looked like they all were dying with laughter with the way they were sprawled on the carpet,clutching their stomachs.

Reece was busy in glaring at me but i could see the hint of amusement on his face.

"As i said.Bitch move,will never be forgotton",he stated,pointing at me with a long finger.

I grinned and curled my fingers around his long one.

"I'm sorry"

He rolled his eyes but smirked,biting his lip,"Oh,really?"

"You stole my diary.Your fault".i said accusingly at him who was looking at me,amused.

"Nuh-uh.You're the one who kissed me.Your fault"

"Shut up",i mumbled pathetically.

Reece chuckled and it was the most sweetest thing to hear...

Was it crazy that i even loved his chuckle?

The way he would scratch his neck...

The way he would frown...

They way he would unconsciously hold my hand..

The way his eyes would sparkle angrily...

The way his arms would come around my waist...

The he would shove his hands in his pockets...

The way he would smile at me....

The way he would glare at the guys passing me strange looks...

The way his lips would cover mine....


I was utterly,completely,insanely,head over heels and heels over head in love with Reece Carter..

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