(part 2)

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I was still looking away from her with my arms crossed against my chest.The corridor was empty.So empty that i could hear her breathing beside me.Hear her beating heart.Hear her sneakers scarping the floor.

My eyes were blank,my expression blank,everything so blank and bleak and empty.Because i didn't feel like i was sitting next to a girl who loved me to death.I was somewhere else...

Her pale face....that hospitel bed....those long tubes sticking to her thin arms.I felt so sick .....so sick that pain in my head shot to my fingertips and ran through my bones....making me feel numb..

So numb..

I gritted my teeth when i felt my eyes turning blurry.The lump in my throat was the size of a golf ball,my teeth clenched even tighter.

I closed my eyes,wanting to fade away into nothing and suddenly i was there again.Outside her hospital room with a fist pressed to my mouth.I had to put a fist to my mouth,bending over to keep in the scream that wanted so badly to rip from my throat.

Stop it,Reece!

Fuck,stop it!

She will be fine!

She teached me not to lose even a single battle.

How could she lose herself?

She will fight for me! She would never ever leave me alone!

Nothing can happen to her!

I swear i'll even learn that spanish song for her.I would do anything.....anything to have her back......anything.

I felt like i was drowning into a bottomless pit.Something was dragging me inside...

A hollow breath escaped from my mouth and i snapped my eyes open,afraid i would drown into the darkness of that pit.

She'll will be okay,Reece.No one can take her away from you.No one!

I opened my mouth to say something,anything but i couldn't.That lump im my throat traveled up to my eyes the second i opened my mouth.

Shut your mouth,Reece!

Shut it!

I clamped my mouth shut.


¤ Chloe Armel ¤

My mouth was dry.

I glanced at him again.He was looking stubbornly at his left side while i was sitting on his right side.He wouldn't even show me his face.He was hurting.He was hurting so much.

I tried to hide the hurt from my face,sucking my cheeks in and looking at the floor so he wouldn't see my eyes filling rapidly with tears.It felt like he'd slapped me that's how much it stung when he'd said "Don't"

I kept staring at the floor to distract myself from crying.I couldn't even cry.I wouldn't let him comfort me when i was the one who should be giving the comfort.

I heard shuffling beside me but i still didn't look up.

"Chloe....",his broken whisper pierced my heart and my head snapped up in his direction.What i saw made my heart feel pain so intense that i gasped for air....

His eyes which were always sparking had lost their shine as if they never did shine...his lips were pressed in such a tight line that i was sure he was brusing them.I could see a vein popping in his neck like he was about to lose control.

I reached out for his hand and gripped it so tightly that it hurt him.

"I tried.......i tried so much....it isn't working.."he stared at me desperately,his eyes were pleading with my eyes.

I was speechless....so speechless.

He ran his fingers in his hair harshly,his hand limp in mine,"I tried telling myself that",he paused and clenched his teeth for a second,"that she's going to be fine...but",his desperate eyes found mine," it isn't working,Chloe.....it isn't.i swear.."

His hand suddenly tightened around mine and he glanced at me again,his beautiful green eyes turned glassy,"Just....just stay with me"

I nodded ,feeling my chest constrict.

"Fuck",he whispered.He glanced at me and this time he reached out and ran his fingers through my hair from the roots to tips in slow and soothing motions.

I couldn't say anything in return.I felt like my tongue was tied to the roof.

My shoulders shook from the effort at keeping the sobs in.

He gave me a broken smile....so broken that it freezed me from inside.

"You're hurting me",i whispered,feeling my chest constrict even more.

"You're hurting me too",he whispered,catching my tear on the tip of his finger.

"How many will you catch?",i asked,staring at the tiny drop on his finger.

He smiled at me with blurry eyes,his green colour flared brightly,"As many falls"

"Stop it",i pleaded in a hoarse voice,feeling more tears form at the back of my eyes.

"You stop it",he shot back,catching another tear .

"Reece......"i called him,wanting his eyes to see inside mine.

He turned his body fully towards me,his eyes were searching mine as if ......i don't know..

"Don't do that",he growled," don't call me like that......i hate it! "

And that's when my sob filled up the empty space around us.I could myself gasping and panting and sniffing..

"I'm sorry,Chloe...i'm so fucking sorry..."

He pulled me to himself and placed my head on his beating heart.His heart was racing under his shirt . He kissed my hair and my temples.

I felt him swallow and then something wet fell on my head...disappearing inside my hair.


Treat ur family as if they were made of glass :)

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now