Moment# 8

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°Chloe Armel°


"For the last time Chloe,WHAT?!"

I sighed and placed my head on the cafeteria table while Charles kept munching on his chips,tapping on his cell.

"Wow! that's so cool.",charlie said in an impressed voice,still tapping on his cell.

I sat up straight,scanning the whole cafeteria in search for him.Where was he?not even the boys could be seen.Whenever i didn't see them,i always get a mini heart attack ,thinking they must be in trouble or. . .

stirring trouble somewhere.

"What a pussy!"


He ignored me,his brows were connected with each other in a deep frown.I placed my chin on my hand,watching him.

"Charles. ."

This time his eyes snapped up at me,his lips were pursed in a tight line as if warning me to stop doing whatever the hell i was up to.From the last ten minutes i was calling his name for no valid reason.I just felt like to call him his name again and again.It was one of those moment when when you call a person's name for no damn reason.You've nothing to say to them yet you keep mewing at them.

He huffed and placed his cell on the table beside his chips,his hand reached out to cover my hand which was on the table,"You haven't seen him today,have you?"

"No. .",i mumbled,looking down at my lap.I felt him rubbing my knuckles.

He chuckled,saying,"Soo why don't you go look for him?i will be waiting right here."

I glanced up at him,my lips lifting up,"You won't mind right?"

He was my best friend,I didn't want him to think that now Chloe had no time for him since she got a "bf".

He squeezed my hand,giving me a wide grin,"Ofcourse not,idiot."

I stood up,smiling from ear to ear,saying,"You're too kind, Charles."

He shot me a death glare which clearly said: Don't.I ruffled his hair on my way,feeling good all of a sudden.

Yay life.

My feet were heading towards the hall but a strange sound brought my attention to the right.It sounded like a tapping noise but more hollow.I found myself infront of the gym door,There were no voices inside so a class was probably not going on.Who were there?

I pushed the door open and peered in;straining my neck and looked around the door.What i saw made my jaw hit the floor.Hard.

Five very hot,very shirtless guys were standing ,there eyes zeroed in on me,probably seeing i was the intruder.I had never,i mean NEVER seen such a gorgeous sight.

"Uh little C,you can come in now."

I snapped my mouth shut when i heard snickering and carried myself in the room,shutting the door behind me.

What does a girl do when five hot/shirtless guys were behind her?


She blushes as hard as she can.

I turned around and waved awkwardly at the smiling faces,my eyes sweeped over them and that's when i saw a smirking Reece with a basketball in his large hands.I noticed their shirts laying on the floor in heap.

"Say hi to the sexy beast and his friends.",Reece said,eyeing me.

"We're sexy too!",Valentino protested.

Dennis shook his head,muttering something to Jake who grinned.

"So. ."i said,avoiding their gaze,"you guys were playing basketball."

"Ofcourse,princess obvious."

"No one asked you,prince sarcasm!",i said,glaring at Reece who threw the ball skillfully and it dribbled on the floor. .colour me impressed.

"I can do better than you.",Jake said,rolling his eyes.

"Show off.",Dennis said in a low voice to me.

I giggled.

Reece glanced at me,shuffling the ball in his hands,"Something funny,nerd?"

I shook my head,still smiling.He turned fully towards me,his back was to the guys and smiled with such tender with such care that i got speechless.It was like he didn't want the boys to see this smile of his.It was for me.Only me. . .

He winked and i blinked.

Reece turned to the guys who were in heated dicussionn about who was much hotter.

"My muscles are much packed-"

"Puhleez Dennis,my cat looks tougher than you-"

"Wait,you have a cat,Val?"

"Duh.Alexandria.I told you guys ages ago-"

"We thought she was a girl-"

"She's a girl,Jake!"

"I mean a HUMAN girl,dickhead!"

I was trying so hard not to smile or laugh.They looked so cute . .so boyish.

All of a sudden Valentino stopped talking and turned at me,"Okay,Little C,you can spit it out."

"Awwww. ."

Everyone snorted at that and dived in the who's hot discussion.

"If you ladies are done talking,can we play now?",Reece said in a frustrated voice.

Val waved his hand at him,not even looking at him,"He means Chloe.So where was i?"

"That Tasha licked your abbs?",Dennis supplied in a dry voice.

"Yeah that.So this hot chick-"

"Awesome. .",Reece muttered darkly and then his head snapped up at me as if he had forgotten a very important thing.He gave me devilish grin and started to walk towards me.

Uh oh.

I was about to back off when all of sudden he tossed the ball at me,my hands caught it on instinct.I tossed it back immediately which surprised him and he caught it.

Take that ,jerk.

He was stlll walking towards me with slow steps,"So the nerd can play?"

"More than you can."

"Lets see now."

Again.Uh oh


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