Chapter 32 (part 1)

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For all the beautiful girls who're reading this and wishing for a Reece of their own :) *with me included *


¤ Chloe Aremel ¤

Everyone was still dancing.They hadn't notice the dispute rising between the two boys.Suddenly i wanted to throw up because i could feel the call of coming violence.

I clutched my stomach.

Ashton was leaning against the wall with a tight smirk on his face but one could see the anger under that smirk.Reece was standing with his legs apart and arms crossed,his back to me.I could see the back of his neck turning red.

I looked around helplessly .My eyes searching for the boys but found none.

When i turned my eyes back to them,that's when my blood froze in my veins.I didn't even know how Reece'd gotten there but he was suddenly right infront of Ashton.

"Reece...",i cried,horrified and covered my mouth with both hands,stepping backwards in horror.

All because of me.

All because of me.

He was going to get hurt.

Because of me.

Ashton smirked and said something to Reece.

My heart was trying to jump out of my throat and my arms had started to shake.Reece shook his head and without any warning he grabbed him by the collar and sent him reeling on to the empty table next to them.

I gasped loudly when Ashton's head collided with the edge of the table.He groaned in pain and coughed blood.My stomach started to churn at the sight of the bright red liquid oozing from his head like waterfall.

Why won't my legs move?.

Reece turned around,now facing me.His hair was falling in his eyes,his lips forming his famous smirk as he surveyed the damage coolly.

"Are you fuckin' crazy?!",Ashton yelled,trying to stand up but failed .

Reece shrugged,"Depends."

I was so stunned,rooted on my spot that i hadn't notice the music had stopped,Everyone had stopped dancing.They were all staring at us,eagerly.Some had even whip out their phones to capture all this.

"I'll make you pay! Mark my words,",he coughed violently,spitting more blood on the table.

Reece took off his jacket and threw it on the floor.The black Tee was almost straining with the muscles hidden beneath it.

He took a menacing step towards Ashton making my breath hitch.

"Reece! No!.",i warned,catching his green eyes.He glanced up at me,his eyes softning a tad bit.

"Wrapped around her pinky,i see.",Ashton sneered,drops of blood sliding down his forehead.

Instantly all the warmth vanished from Reece's eyes,making me scared.His face was a s blank as the wall behind him.

Reece halted beside the table on which Ashton was sprawled awkwardly.

No no no no!


¤ Reece Carter ¤

I smirked in amusement when he screamed an obscenity i doubted Chloe had even heard before but i cut him off,wanting to wrap this shit up, by leaning down and grabbing him again by the shirt.I wrenched him up and once i had him on his feet,i pulled back my fist and hit him on the face with every ounce of strength my rage had enabled me with.

He moaned in pain and i raised a brow.

What a fucking pussy!.

The guy stumbled,steadied himself and swung at me blindly.I side stepped it easily and then threw a punch at his jaw,knocking him to the floor.

Everyone around us jeered and some were "oohing" and "ahing".

Like i gave a shit.

"No! Reece,no!....please..",Chloe's voice reached my ear.

A sudden blind rage took hold of me.He was the one responisble for her heart break.

How the fuck did he...

I kicked him in the ribs and the got down and pinned his struggling arm down with my knee.

For a guy who seemed to emitt waves of being arrogant,he didn't know a jack about throwing punches.

"Get off! Let me up!.",he yelled.

I felt a hand on my arm and Chloe was suddenly there,whispering in my ear,her scent of flowers swept over me.

"Let's go,please...",she whispered,her mouth at my ear,pulling on me.I couldn't move my arm by the way she was leaning on me so i had to stop hitting the dipshit and he turned his face to the side,spitting blood out of his mouth onto the floor.

"You fu-",he cursed at me and i shifted ,ramming my knee into his side.He winced and turned a glaring,bloodshot eyes on me.He hurled another expletine.

I suddenly realized that Chloe wasn't next to me like she was a second ago.I couldn't feel her hand.I whirled around,worried and saw her just a few steps away.

I stood up and filled the distance between us,forgetting the coughing shit.

She was getting pale.

Un naturally pale.

"Are you okay?.",i asked,unable to bring my voice up from the deep octave rage had brought it down to.I drew closer,running my eyes over her face and neck and arms.

She nodded,her eyes were darting behind my back,scared.

I locked my jaw and turned back to the fucking coward on the floor who was trying to sit up,clutching his bloody nose with his hand.

I kicked him hard in the side and he groaned,falling back down.

"That was for scaring her,you little shit!.",i spat and then kicked him again.

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