Moment# 3

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°Chloe Armel°

There he was!.

He was leaning against the wall,his hands deep in his pockets,confidence oozing out of his posture.He had a frown on his face as if not believing what he was looking at.Val was sitting on the ground near his feet,chewing gum with obnoxiously loud noise.

Where the hell was the rest of the gang?

Did Mr Germitt-?


I stalked towards them,my nails forming half moons on my palms.Worry was eating me alive.Thankfully,this was the back of school which meant no one usually came here except when they had to suck each other faces ofcourse.


I said in a loud voice,gaining his attention within seconds.He gave me a cheesy smile as if nothing fishy was going on.

When Val saw the look on my face,he said,"Uh Oh".

Reece stood up straight to his full height,a smirk already forming there!.

I was about to open my mouth when all of sudden he bowed,his hand on his chest,"Welcome ,my lady."

Val let out a bark of laugh,his back hitting the ground ,gasping.

"Never thought i would see you doing that,Carter."

I failed to see what was so funny!.I folded my hands across my chest,tapping my foot and waiting for him to shut the hell up.Reece glanced at me,his green orbs sparking up as he looked up and down at me ,saying,

"Not bad,nerd.Not bad"

I raised my finger at him in a warning gesture and that's when Val stood up,both of them towering on me.

"Are you two gonna suck each others faces?"


"Will i get to see the saliva swapping?"


"Do you guys moan and sl-"


He rubbed his hands when he saw my red face,"Still cute,little C"

"Vaaaal",i whined,trying my best not busrt into tears.

Reece was rolling his sleeves up to his elbows,his muscular arms were on full display.I could see the thick veins curling around his arms.

"Ahm",Val cleared his throat,caughting me red handed.

Good God.I hastily let my hair form a curtain around my flaming face.

"Bad bad little C",Val said,shaking his head.

"Um",i said,tucking a strand of annoying hair out of my face.It was sticking to my lip gloss.

"Can i talk to. . .Reece?"


". . .alone?",i squeaked.

Reece was leaning against the wall now with an unreadable face.

I hated that blank face.

"Check it out Reece.My baby is growing up",Val cried out,wiping a fake tear from his face.

"Poor ol Val.Who wants him . . .now that everyone is playing girlfriend boyfriend game. . .who would want want poor me.",Val said,sniffing now.

Reece and i rolled our eyes on that.He pushed Val .

"You heard her.Dick off."

"Fine.I'm going to headmaster to inform him about the stuff  you guys keep doing here",Val grumbled,picking up his backpack from the ground.He was off,muttering incoherent stuff with himself.

I gulped when i realize we were alone.

Totally alone.

I was frozen on my spot,nibbling my lower lip because my nerves were freaking out.Blush was already forming on my face.Reece smiled at me and shook his head.He closed the distance between us with two long strides and stopped infront of me.I was sure he could hear the loud thudding of my heart.How could he not?.It was banging against my chest.

His hand reached out and that's when my breath started to hitch.I stopped breathing when he tucked that stupid strand of hair behind my ear,tilting his head to a side.

"Chloe?",he asked,sounding. .amused?

"Hmm?",i answered,boring a hole in the ground.I really couldn't face him.I was looking anywhere but. . .him.

"Are you always going to get a heart attack when i touch you?".

My eyes grew wide over that.I glanced up at him,his green eyes had a soft look in them mixed up with amusement.

"I-i. . .ofcourse not",i stuttered,plasting a fake smile on my face.


His tone clearly implied that he didn't believe a word i just said and that's when i opened my big fat mouth.

"No, really.Why would i? I mean you're my b-boyfriend and you can t-touch me a-and touch is okay i guess . .haha. .i had this little chicken who always wanted to be touched-"

His eyebrows rose over that and he placed a hand under his chin,a smile lit up his face and said,"Really now?"

Think Chloe think! I had really no idea what the hell was i saying!

"D-don't you know? Chickens always wants you to keep touching them.It's like a known fact.The big bad Reece doesn't know about t-this,huh? I'm, shocked-"

"I love you."

His deep voice caught me off guard,shutting my mouth effectively.All of my blood seemed to collect on my face.I felt like time had stopped. . .it's-it's hard to explain,okay?.

Before i could even blink his soft lips met mine in a feather like touch,stealing the breath out of me.He always kissed me when i least expected it. . .

His hand gripped the back of my head,angling my head for a better kiss.His kisses were always soft. . .fluffy.His other hand went around my waist,crushing me to him..

We broke apart,gasping for breath.He placed his forehead against mine,his chest raising and falling.

"Can't keep your hands off of me,nerd."


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