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°Chloe Armel°

There was dead silence for ten seconds and-

"WE WON! WE FUCKING WON!",Jay's voice echoed all around us.He bumped his fist with Val, showing his middle finger to Jake.

I laughed and then both of them ran towards me and before i could take a breath,i was engulfed into a bone crushing hug.Val was hugging me from behind and Jayden from the front.

"I LOVE GROUP HUGS!",Valentino said in a shrill voice earning a smack from Jay.

"Hey! Lemme in too.",Dennis said trying to get in.

"Sorry.Losers aren't allowed!",Val said in a cocky voice earning another smack .

"Val..",I gasped trying to fill my lungs with oxygen.The hug wasn't helping!.

"LEMME IN LEMME IN!",Jake yelled,pushing Val out of the way.

They all were bickering but i was missing a certain arrogant voice.Where was he?

I got my answer when the door slammed shut with a loud bang,making me jump.Immediately the boys broke the hug 'cause they too got startled with that.

I tore my eyes away from the boys to search Reece and found nothing.My chest tightened.

"Chloe?",Dennis'soft voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

I really had no idea why i was feeling like to cry all of sudden.It was like-like a lump was in my throat,cutting my breath.

Val stepped forward ,gripping my shoulders,"Hey hey,little c,it's okay.That fucker is pissed off 'cause he lost!"

I sniffed,trying my best to block my tears.

"Or may be he got jealous from my adonis like body!",Jake said in a serious voice making me chuckle.

"Like anyone would be jealous of that thing you call "body"",Jayden said in a sly voice earning a sore face from Jake.

"Shut up,guys!",Val hissed at the guys over his shoulder and then turned towards me with a gentle emotion in his eyes...which only made me want to cry harder.

"Just go to him,okay?"

I nodded,feeling my throat closed up.

"That's my Chloe.If he said anything bad,you come straight to me,yeah?"

I nodded again,avoiding his gentle gaze at all cost.He leaned back and pushed me gently towards the door.The other 3 gave me a thumbs up with huge smile on their faces but i could see the worry behind those smiles..

Before i got weak,i forced myself to move out and closed the door behind me.

I took a deep breath and send a silent prayer to the heaven above to make everything alright.I knew where he would be.I walked swiftly,avoiding the open stares of the students.The second they knew i was dating Reece,they all treated me like a celebrity.It might sound arrogant,but i was used to it now.

I rounded around the corner of our school and my eyes spotted his tall figure within a second.His back was to me.I could see his hands formimg tight fists.There was a railing right infront of him.Beyond that railing were broken chairs,desks etc.

I bit my nails,feeling tensed.

Should i call him?

Or should i simply walk towards him?


"I know you're here."

There was no point in debating now,was there?.I stalked forward,avoiding the big fat rocks on the ground.When i reached him,i halted behind his back,feeling my heart thudding in anxiety.

"You know,you can stand beside me.I won't kill you. .yet.",he said in a serious voice without looking at me.

I rolled my eyes at that and stood beside him.He was only gazing at the ruined chairs and desks.


"Why did you let them hug you?",he glanced at my confunded face.His eyes softened just tad before they turned cold with rage.

My brain was still proccessing what he said.Was he kidding me?!

"Are you mad or-or plain stupid?!",i asked noticing his hands gripping te railing tight untill his kunckles went white with the force he was exerting on it.


"Reece!",i said ina loud shrill voice,"they're your friends,my friends-"

"And you are only mine!",he snapped in a cold voice,making my heart shiver inside my chest.

Now,i had fully turned towards him,my arms which were shaking,folded across my chest while he was still not looking at me.Not even a glance.

"You're being over dramatic.",i said bitterly,getting fed up.

This time,he turned his body at me,giving me a hard look,"Chloe,leave."

His jaw was locked and it was obvious he was pissed off.


"You're testing my patience. . again,princess."

I shook my head again and then he tried to move around me but i blocked his path.

"Chloe,get out of the way!",he growled at me.The intensity in his eyes flared up,making my breath hitch.

I ignored his order and gave him a slight push-not like it affected him or anything.

"Are you angry at me?",i asked,my chest tightning again.

Why did it feel hard to breath again?

"Yes.Now move!"

He tried to step to his left but i quickly stepped to my right,blocking his escape.

"Why?just because they all hugged me?"

His eyes narrowed and his jaw got locked-again.He covered his eyes with his hand as if he didn't want to see my face and then uncovered them again.I gasped when his placed his hands around my waist and lifted me up, as if i weighed nothing,and placed me on a side.


He walked away.

Leaving me behind..


Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now