(Part 2)

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Valentino glared at the guy and showed him the middle finger.The guy growled and stood up but his beefy friend forced him to sit down ,whisphering something in his ear.He nodded.

I gulped and took hold of Reece's hand under the table.He sqeezed my hand as if asssuring me everything is fine.

I relaxed immediately.

"I am not,",Val said again in a calm voice,"having sex-"

"Aw,Val",Jayden said,"put a sock in it will ya?"


I was laying flat on my stomach in my bed.My hand was furiously writing about today's event.I absolutely loved to write in my diary.When i get old and cranky,i would love to read every day of my life....with Reece.

A girlish giggle left my mouth.

Knock knock.

"Come in",i said in a cheerful voice,still writing.

Knock knock.

"The door is open-"

Knock Knock.

I dropped my pen angrily and turned my neck towards the door.Speak of the devil and he shall appear,except this devil was way too hot for his own good.He was leaning against my door,already inside my room;wearing a simple black Tee with jeans.I took a look at myself and my heart broke.I was in my pajamas.My dexter pjs.

I snapped my neck back to my diary,feeling fire erupting on my face .

Why was he so....so...freakishly hot!

The only time i wanted to look hot and hot and hot,i ended up looking..swell.Not in a good way.I ignored his presence in my room.

Let him suffer.

I did an exaggerated evil laugh inside my head.

I heard his footsteps coming towards my bed.The bed dipped as he sat down.I had to jerk my feet over to keep him from squashing them.I wasn't writing anymore.I was merely doodling inside my diary,ignoring the demon-

All of sudden his face was next to mine and due to his sudden attack i poked my eye out with my pen in fright.

Now, i resembled a one eyed monster.

I glared at him,using my one good eye.He answered me by giving me a cheeky smile.

He was laying on his stomach too.He placed one hand on my waist gently and the other one under his chin.His green eyes were smoldering...

I shook my head and snapped my gazed back at the my diary.

"Whatcha writing?",he asked,pulling me close.

"About this sexy green eyed beast",i replied with a wink.

"Wait wait.i think i know him",he said,"he dresses like me and has these sexy six packs-"

"Eight packs",i corrected him by poking his shoulder with my pen.

"Right right.Eight packs....",he agreed,nodding

"Sooo..do you love him?",he asked in a jealous voice.

I sighed dreamily and cupped my face,"Yeaaaah.Who wouldn't"

"Hey",he said,smacking my forehead softly,"stop sounding like a pervert"

I glanced at him and gave him a creepy smile,my eyes going cross eyed,"Do i look like a pervert?"

"No.You look like a rapist"

I gasped and smacked his shoulder not so gently.

He laughed and bumped his head with the side of my head.

"Is Valentino really in love?",i asked him,looking in his eyes.

He smirked and ruffled my hair,"May be yes,may be no"

I shifted my position and now layed on my back while he too changed his.

The ceiling of my room was filled with millions of stars.I loved to stare at them.They were like my very own stars..

"That's so girly",Reece said,pointing at my precious stars.

"Excuse me?",i snapped,glancing at him.He always was complaining about it for being so "girly".

"My ceiling is sexy"

"I didn't know,ceilings were suppose to be sexy",i said in a dry voice,still looking at him.

He turned his eyes towards me,a stunning smile broke on his face,making my heart beat rise...

His breath was fanning on face,forcing me to close the distance between us and i did....

He closed hs emerald eyes when my lips touched his and-

Mackledmore's theft shop started to blast in my ear,shattering the moment,the magic...

He pulled back with a gentle smile and pulled his cell from his pocket,flipping it open,"Yeah?..no i can't...but....fuck you!...fine!"

With that he kissed my head and jumped from my bed,heading towards the door.

"Who was it?",i said,getting up from the bed.

He flashed his white teeth,"Work"

I nodded and turned my back to him,lifting my bedsheet.

Hmm,need washing.

Knock Knock

"What?",i said without turning,knowing it was him.

"You're alright,right?"


KnocK Knock

"So we're alright,right?"


Knock Knock

"So everything is fine with us?"


"Will you marry me?"

"Yes-wait what?!",i nearly yelled,and whipped around with a speed which put alll the spuerheroes to shame.

He gave me cute boyish smile,"Well,you're saying yes to everything so i thought,why not take a chance?"

I pointed at my door,"Out"

He winked at me at flew out of my room.I hope he didn't saw my face burning up.

Marry you...




As you all know,i type this story on my cell sooooo there will loads and loaaaaaads of mistakes.I only want to say one thing,when i post a new chapter PUHLEEZ do not read it for like twenty minutes coz i upload chapters WITHOuT editing them.I edit them after i post them.

Only twenty minutes..

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