Chapter 20 (part 1)

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Sometimes i'm lazy,

i get bored,

i get scared,

i feel ignored,

i feel happy,

i get silly,

i choke on my own words,

i make wishes,

i have dreams,

And i still want to believe,

Anything can happen in this world,

For an ordinary girl....

*Ordinary girl by miley cyrus*


¤Chloe Armel¤

" oaf!"

"Oaf?.You're getting creative,i see"

I growled,wanting to slap that smirk off his face.That jerk didn't even bother to inform me that he was leaving the town with his mom.I was sick to my stomach when i saw their locked door.

I ignored him and walked swiftly on the road which was pretty much deserted.The cold wind blew,playing with my hair.I felt my blood freezing in my veins.

I tightened the my jacket around me.

"Chloe...",his deep voice called but i didn't stop.

I walked even faster.

"You know you're cute when you're angry"

I spun around to see the devil himself leaning against a tree ten feet away from me with his toned arms crossed and a smirk planted on his face.

He raised his eyebrow.

"Is there something on my perfect face?"

I turned back and ignored him.

What was he doing here anyway! He should go and-and....go! He disappears into thin air and he won't even inform me!

Two strong arms snaked around my waist,surprising me as my back hit a stone hard chest.

I felt his jaw moving as he brough his lips to my ear,"Awww,are you mad at me,nerd?"

I gritted my teeth and tried to get out of his grip but his hold only tightened around me ,making no room for escape.He was kind of hugging me from the back.His chin was resting peacefully on my shoulder.


hHis breath fanned across my ear and neck, feeling my knees going weak.I clutched his hands which were around my waist,afraid i would fall.

He shook me gently.

"Talk to me...i'm sorry..",his soft whisper caressed my ear.

I didn't respond.

A second later,i was spun around swiftly to meet his intense green eyes.My heart picked up its pace,wildly pounding against my chest when my eyes collided with those sparkling eyes...

And then i realized with a jollt....i missed much..

I was staring at his face,memorizing each angle...each dip.I didn't even hear what he was saying.I was only staring at his face while his mouth kept moving..

"-Chloe,i'm pregnant"


He grinned.

"Gotcha",Reece said,snapping his fingers and then pointing a long finger at me,"You talked"

I glared at his face,feeling my face heat up all of sudden.I shoved at his chest-it's not like it affected him at all.

Refusing to look at him,i let out a deep breath,"You don't have to say sorry.You don't want to tell me anything,that's okay.I'm not upset.It's okay for you to make stupid road trips and don't inform stupid ol' Chloe because she's so stupid-",the rest of the sentence became muffled when Reece put his hand over my mouth,shuttung me up.

He rolled his eyes,"Fuck,you're dramatic",Reece muttered.

I ripped his hand away from my face,"I'm dramatic?! I' M DRAMATIC?!!",i snapped.

He chuckled.

I closed the little distance between us angrily while he was still looking amused and pounded on his stone hard chest with all my might.

"You jerk!"

"You could've inform me!"

"This is what i get-"

My pounding hands stopped beacuse he covered my fists with his warm hands.

"I'm sorry",he said for the second time,melting my heart with those eyes.

"I had to get my brat of a cousin and then i forgot my cell",he continued with a sincere look.

His grasp tightened around my fists and he placed them on his chest.His fingers curled around my wrists.

"I just..fuck!",he exhaled and shifted uncomfortably,"I figured you would be angry and...i'm sorry",he looked away,embarrassed,"don't ignore me..i don't like it"

Before i could control myself,i reached out and touched his cheek,his green eyes shifted towards me.I kept my fingers lingering on his close to his lips..

"I love you"

His eyes shone brightly as an amused smile touched his lips.Slowly,he closed the distance between our faces and i closed my eyes...waiting for his lips to cover mine..

But it never came.

I opened my eyes and saw his smirking face.

"I won't kiss you untill"

"Pay?",i asked in a confunded voice.

He nodded, his hand left my one wrist and lifted my chin gently to his intenes gaze ,"You've to pay for ignoring me for....ten minutes",he said softly,his eyes dipping from my eyes to my lips.

Before i could further ask anything,he grabbed both of my wrists with a wicked grin.

"Noooo! Stop! Oh my god..",i screamed when he had me on the edge,my body making a 7o angle in the air.

"REECE CARTER!...HAHAHA..",i yelled again but managing to laugh at the same time,"let me go! jerk!"

He raised hs eyebrow in amusement,"Are you sure about that?"

"YES!!......Noooooo! No no no.."

"Now now Chloe,answer this million dollar question",he leered," Will you ignore me again?"

"It was only ten minut-ARGHHHHHH",he dipped me further down untill i made a 3o slant with the grassy ground.

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