Chapter 18 (part 1)

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¤chloe Armel ¤

Jake burped as i sat on my chair beside him.Only he had mastered the art of burping words.The word he burped as i sat was ,"Loser"

"You're one to talk" was Valentino's rejoinder.

I slammed my tray of food on the table and clutched my head in my hands.

"Someone's pissed"

"Don't yap at her or i'll piss on you",Valentino threatened.

"How",Jake burped again,"are you gonna piss when i cut your buddy off?"

I leaned back in my chair and noticed my surrounding for the first time as they continued to bicker.The whole frickin room was buzzing with loud noises making my head pound.

"What happened?",Val asked in a concerned voice.

"Nothing..",i groaned and rubbed my temples.

Jake burped again.This time when he did it,he said , "liar"

"Ignore the shit bag.Tell",Valentino ordered,looking up from his sandwich.He had egg salad all over his chin and cheeks.

"Are you eating that sandwich or wearing it?",i asked him while flipping my napkin.

He grinned and a yellow- gooey -thingy spilled from the side of his mouth.


Jake inflated his brown paper sandwich bag and popped it between his hands.Then he crushed his chocolate milk carton flat.He always gulped his milk down first,then crushes the carton.

We're not sure why.

I didn't start to eat.I didn't even look at my food tray.I just stared at the wall infront of me untill the tiles became blurry.

Suddenly i didn't feel like eating.

"Yo,are you gonna eat that?",Jake asked,eyeing my tray.

I shook my head.

"Okay then.Pass the turnips",he said with a mouthful of....something.

"It's not turnips.It's potato",i corrected him.

He shrugged,"Yeah yeah.Pass it"

And i did slide my tray of food to him.

"What's your problem?!",Valentino snapped at him.

"You",Jake replied poking a finger through my,now his sandwich.He always makes a hole in the center of his sandwich and eats it inside out.

Valentino ignored him and turned his attention to me.

"Bad day.little C?"

"For sure",i muttered.

"Come on,spill",Jake urged without looking up.

I took a deep breath.

"I got 8o in my english test"

Jake dropped his sandwich onto the table and slapped his forehead,shaking with laughter.Valentino smirked at me.

"Reece is right.You're such a loser.,Armel",Val said,sipping his drink.

"What's so funny?!",i snapped at Jake's shaking figure.His fingers were smeared with ketchup.He wiped his fingers off the front of his shirt.

"You",he grinned,pointing a ketchup infested finger at me.

"Shit!",Valentino cursed.

"What happened?",i asked him in a worried voice while Jake concentrated on getting the ketchup out from under his fingernails.

"Miss Folsom sait to inform ya to see her",Val said in a hurried voice.

"And you're telling me now?",i cried,slapping his shoulder.

He didn't even winced.

My chair scraped the floor as i jumped to my feet.I tossed my un used napkin on the table,"Got to run"

Both of them nodded still munching on their lunch like cows....or camels.



I uttered a hoarse cry.

Where was Miss Folsom!

I had knocked like hundred times on her office door and she wasn't answering.


Come on come on Miss Folsom

Open the door.

I won't eat you.

Great.I was sounding like a killer.I tried the handle but it was jammed.What kind of school was this! They couldn't even afford to have someone fix their door-

I stilled.

What the hell was that?

My hand left the handle alone and i turned around listening to the voices again.I didn't know why but my heart beat accelerated from its normal rate.

It sounded like someone was....hissing?

I inched along the wall,my back pressed up against the wall.It seemed like the voices were coming from around the corner.Everyone was at cafeteria.

Who could that be..

"Are you fucking crazy!"

My breath got knocked out of me when i heard his voice and then i couldn't control myself from stepping out.I had to see.I wanted to see.

I turned around the corner and stepped right infront of the...scene.

A girl with thick blond hair which were cascading down her back like waterfall had her arms wrapped around Reece's neck and her lips planted on his neck.

Her tiny shirt had riden up,revealing a butterfly tattoo on her back.Her jeans were clung to her legs like second skin...

My eyes snapped up to his face in horror.His hands were on her hips as if trying to....push her?

She moaned.

I gasped.

Both of them turned their heads at me while i had covered my mouth with my hands.Something inside me was breaking....tearing...

Reece's face which was filled with rage changed into muderous glare as he glanced at the girl still clinging to him like her life depended on him..

I turned around on my heel and pleaded to the heavens above to save me from the pain that was about to consume my whole being...

"Chloe wait-"

I kept running,wishing i had never met him that green eyed boy...

Never trusted him...

Never fallen for him..


His strong voice boomed in the corridor from behind my back.

He was following me..

He had some nerve!

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