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°Chloe Armel°


I jumped a foot in air,my hand flew to my chest,the sketch i was drawing totally ruined now.Someone spin my chair around.

There he was.

The smirking jerk.

"Hola,nerd",he said,enjoying the reaction he got out of me while my face flamed in embarrassment and anger .He was leaning down,his arms were on each side of me on the hands of my chair .He was leaning in so close i could count each russet fleck in his dark eyes.He was looking as hot as ever in his dark leather jacket with a white Tee beneath it.I,on the other hand ,was resembling a hobo.

"So,were birds here?",he asked in a curious voice .My nose scrunched up in confusion.

"Why do you ask?",i said,trying to fix my hair as best as i could.

"I don't know .They must have mistaken your hair for their nest".My hands which were working on my hair stilled right there.

I narrowed my eyes at those sparking green jewels,saying,"Rude!"

"Rude is my middle name,babe."

"Don't call me babe-"


"Reece! I'm seriou-"


I stood up from my chair,he sprang back from me ten feets away and straightened up.

"Come back here!",i said,grounding my teeth .He was inching closer to my couch which was behind him.

He surrendered,his palms facing me,"Eaaaaasy tiger".

I stalked towards him,kicking my backpack out of the way.He must've seen that determined look on my face because he whirled around and jumped on the couch with his sneakers on!


He winced,still standing on the couch.My favourite couch.He was currently enjoying ever second of my misery.

He laughed at my red face,shaking his head and letting his soft brown hair fall over his eyes,"You're such a loser,Chloe."

That did it!

I was summoning my powers so i could blast him off of my couch.He raised his eyebrow,saying,

"Uh facing a problem with the force,Luke?"

I was only ten feets away from the couch now.I wanted to caught him off guard. I was only waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"I'm really loving the view from here"

Wait you jerk!.

Just wait.

Only five feet away now.


He turned around to look out of my window which was right behind him and that's when i leapt from the ground and,

Landed on the soft leather.

What the-

His whole hearted chuckle came from the backside of the couch.I slammed my head on the couch,laying flat on my stomach while he tsked tsked.

"Bad bad Chloe,real bad.Even a blind person could have guessed your next move."

I didn't reply .Instead i stuffed my face even more in my plush couch.Let him bask in his cockiness.

The couch dipped letting me know the jerk was seated on the couch near my feet.

"I'm waiting for you to come out from your cloud of shame.",his cocky voice said.

"Cloud of shame?",i asked in a muffled voice.

I felt him patting my feet,it tickled and felt sooo good.

"It's okay ,Chloe.I understand.No,seriously i do.",he said in a concern voice still patting my feet.

I sat up and he chuckled,ruffling my hair.I brushed my hair out of my face and glanced at him,his enchanting green eyes sparkled with amusement when his eyes swept over my hair,his full lips formed a teasing smile.

I sighed,feeling tired all of a sudden.I noticed him looking at me from the corner of my eye,trapping my every move.I yawned,stretching my hands,faint popping sound came from them.

"What's the time?",i asked him,rubbing my eyes.

He checked his cell,"It's 8:3o,my lady."

I yawned again and turned towards him,lifting my feet up and placing my head in his lap.

This felt so darn awesome.

"I know you're affected by The Recelius.It's completely acceptable to feel tired.",he said in a kind voice,making me chuckle.

"Mmmm. .Recelious. .how can i ever forge-",another yawn ate up my sentence.

I felt his long fingers in my messed up hair,brushing them slowly.

Oh so slowly.

"Wow,my grandma had this much knots when she was 8o."

"Shudaaap.Keep brushing"

I snuggled even more in his lap,feeling my eyelids getting heavier and heavier.

He started to hum a tune which sounded so warm. .so sweet . .so cute.

"Reece?",i said in a sleepy voice.

"Yup?.",he said in a teasing voice.

"You're so cute-"

He snorted,pinching my cheek gently,"I'm Reece.Not cute."

"You know you aaaaaree.",i said in a sing song voice.

"Don't play with fire,or you will get burn and stop taking advantage of me,woman.",he said in a dramatic voice.

"Advantage? Since when did i ever took advantage of you?.",i asked rolling my eyes.

"Since now.You go all cute on me and then i can't resist that cute face-"

A bubble of laughter escaped from my mouth.I clutched my stomach at that.

" I love you.",he said in his deep voice,brushing my hair.I smiled at that,my cheeks flamed up.

I turned around my head and glanced up at his eyes which were filled up with such tenderness that i felt my throat constrict.

"I love your eyes."

He threw back his head and laughed.I gripped his free hand and covered it with my hands.

"Say something i don't know,nerd."


Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now