( part 2 )

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I looked over my shoulder for a brief second,"GO SCREW HER!"

He growled and i ran even faster,begging my legs not to fail me..

I gasped when i felt his hand latched around my bicep in a tight enough grip to hurt and pulled me into the nearest room.I wiggled out of his hold and stood as far i could from him,rubbing my arms.

He shut the door with a loud bang,making me jump.

"Let me go!",i said in a voice that was about to crack if he didn't let me out.

He turned around ,took off his jacket and threw it on the floor angrily.My eyes shifted to his neck which had lipstick on it,in the shape of ...lips.

Her lips.

"LET ME GO!",i shrieked,balling my hands into fists.

I could feel tears pricking my eyes,feel my eyes turning glassy when it landed on his neck.I felt like it was taunting me..

"Why did you just do that?",he asked harshly.

"Why can't you wait?!"

"I have to go",i said,walking swiftly towards the door,but Reece reached out and grabbed my hand,pulling me towards him.

I struggled and tried to pull free,"I can't do this right now...Reece...please.."

I could see my tears splashing on his white shirt.

He tightened his grip on my elbows when i tried to push him away.

"I don't want to...let me go..please.."

My sob filled the silent room.It looked like the more i struggled the more he would tightened his grip.He was only staring at me,his lips pressed in a tight line..


"Fuck! Shut up,Chloe! Just SHUT UP!"

I stilled at the volume of his voice,feeling my heart turning over in my chest.My vision turned even more blurry,making me blind for a moment.

"Did you think for a fucking second to wait for me?! To let me fucking explain myself?! DID YOU?!",he roared and shook me by my arms,his fingers digging up in my bare skin.

I sobbed uncontrolllably in his arms,feeling my vocal chords closing up.

"Shit,Chloe! I love you! I don't love you....i'm crazy about you!...don't you go around and tell me to screw someone when you WONT EVEN LISTEN TO ME! ",he yelled making my ears bleed ..

My sob was coming out in gasps..


He said softly as if trying to keep back his anger.Slowly he pulled me into a tight hug.I didn't fight him.

"You saw her...kissing me?"

Now i did try to pull away .I placed my hands flat against his chest and pushed but his grip was too strong and i couldn't get free.

"Let go",i said,trying to sound angry but it came out a pained whisper.

"I want to go.."

"No",Reece said,maintaning his hold on me.

"God!....you are making me emotional.... shit"

"I'm not..",i sobbed,contining to struggle uselessly in his tight grip,"I just want you to let me go"

"No.You want to know who she is",Reece said as calmly as he could manage.

"She's a bitch/ slut.End of story"

I stopped struggling but continued to sob into his shirt.He held me close..

"So you...never...",i said into his shirt which my hands were gripping,"You never...."


"But i saw her..",i said sofly,my face still buried in his shirt,"She was...kissing you.."

"Chloe chloe chloe...she was trying to get to me to see how would i react....i guess she forgot... i am taken"

I smiled in his shirt with a sniff.

"I love you and only you...always have always will",he promised,stroking my hair.

"I love you too",i sniffed again,feelinf tired all of sudden.I leaned even more on to him.

"Don't ever ever do that again.Ever",he scolded and tightened his grip even more as if afraid i would leave.

I nodded,feeling...safe again.

"I'm yours.Only yours....shit! I'm sounding like a girl"

I giggled in his shirt as he cursed.

"It's not funny",he said to me sourly.

"It's a little funny",i said.

"No",he insisted,"it isn't"

He leaned back and lifted one of my hand in his and was looking down at me with that dark,impenetrable gaze of his.

"I...i'm sorry for making you cry,"he gestured towards my face,"like this"

He stroked the back of my hand with one calloused thumb.

My blood which i'd begun to suspect had frozen in my veins,seemed to flow again.

He kept staring at my face with my hand in his and then as if he couldn't bear,he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine.

And it was like the world which had,for those awful awful minutes,been off it's axis,suddenly righted itself.

I was in Reece's arms and he was kissing me and everything was fine.

More than fine..

Everything was perfect.

Because he loved me...

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now