Chapter 21 (part 1 )

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I was free and i wrote another chapter.Naah,i'm not the kind of writer who keeps waiting for the next day to upload a chapter.If i write thousand chapters in one day? I'm gonna upload them in one day too ;)


¤ Chloe Armel ¤

Someone was shaking my shoulder and it was annoying as hell!.

I groaned and covered my face with my fluffy pillow.

"Chloe...honey wake up",mom said in a worried voice.

"'s so early...",i yawned,turning to a side.

She sighed angrily and ripped my blanket off of me.

"Reece's mom is in hospital.She had a heart attack"

I flew out of the bed,feeling myself go pale.


Not pale.

I felt my heart freeze.

"Hurry up.We're going to the hospital",Mom said hastily and walked out of my room.

My heart was chanting only and only one name...





¤ Reece carter ¤

I closed my eyes.

I hated hospitels.Hated everything here the second i stepped inside.I don't know how much i believe in heaven or god but right now,i was begging,pleading with everything inside me to bring my mom back.To make her okay.I wanted so fucking bad to feel her ruffling my hair,so fucking bad to see her smile.There must be a god somewhere.A big guy up there,watching over us.If there wasn't a god then why do our hearts always calls for him? Pleads infront of him? To make everything perfect like it was?...

I hate the crap people tell you to make you feel better about "I know how you feel"


You don't fucking know anthing! You don't!

I clawed at my chest because i couldn't get her pale face out of my mind.Staring up at the ceiling with wide eyes,i felt my eyes turned glassy and my vision turned blurry.It hurts.It fucking hurts so much that i wanted to scream scream so loud that everyone feels the way i'm feeling.Pain shot through me like thousands bullets when her face came in my mind.

One second she was laughing,humming her favourite spanish song which she tried so hard to teach me and the next second she was on the floor with her lively eyes closed...

That was the only time in my life when i truly got what people means when they say "my knees buckled up".

The same thing happened with me.I fell to the floor the instant i noticed her laying on the floor....she was there! Right infront of me on the floor but i couldn't even fucking move! Couldn't even blink.Couldn't even breath...

I forgot to breath..

Forgot my own name..

I was so scared scared......

Something inside me had screamed ,"Help her!".

Everything inside me was so scared that i even forgot the meaning of "help"..

Valentino clutched my shoulder and squeezed it tightly.I could feel my friends shifting uncomfortably around me.

I didn't look up.

I couldn't.

"Leave me alone",i said through gritted teeth.


I glanced up at him and he shut up.He took a deep breath and nodded at me,"We'll be right outside"

I didn't say anything.All i heard was feet shuffling and thudding on the floor away from me.

I tried to focus on my breathing.

Breath Reece!

For fuck sake just breath!

I heard someone's feet thundering against the tiles.I knew it was her before she had even spoken.

I just knew...

"Reece?",her out of breath voice reached my ears.

I was both embarrassed and angry at myself for letting her see me like this.So weak and spineless.I hated myself for it because i was suppose to be keeping my cool and i was doing a shitty as fuck job!

I was hiding my face from her.I wouldn't let her see my pain.It would made me hate myself even more.

I felt her small and warm hand on my shoulder,"Reece,everything will be-"

"Don't!",i growled,still not looking at her.

I felt her hand tensed up on my shoulder as if she was afraid...of me.

Fuck you,Reece.

"Look at me.....please,Reece......please.",she pleaded in a soft voice,tugging at my heart.

Why couldn't she see i didn't want her to see me in pain? To see that Reece carter had fucking tears in his eyes? Why couldn't she understand i was protecting her from my pain,damn it!

"....Mrs Carter will be fine"

Mrs Carter..


"Chloe.Stop it....just stop it!",i snapped and felt such an asshole for snapping at her like that.I felt like the only thing i had good in my life...i would lose that too.

"Reece.....shhhh...",she still tried .

"You don' don't know anything! Stop it!"

I felt her flinch at my harsh tone.

She felt silent.

Awfully silent.

I couldn't even look at her face.I didn't even glance at her for a second since she came.I was afraid if my eyes collided with those brown ones.....i would lose my control,my facade of being strong....

Fuck you,Reece!

She was going to be okay,i tried to calm myself.

She was my mom.

She was strong....much stronger than me.

She would kick death in the butt for me.

She had to be alright!

She had to come back for me!

She had to!

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