Chapter 28 (part 1)

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So i'm on my holidays at my grandma's house.But i'll still try my best to upload.


¤Chloe Armel¤

"Do you love me more than yourself?"

"Maaaaay be"

"Do you love me more than Valentino?"

"Maaaaay be"

"What about Dennis?"

"Maaaaay be"

I sighed angrily.

"So you hate me?"

"Maaaay be"

We were snuggled inside his bed.His face was turned towards me with a teasing smile spread on his lips.Those forest green eyes were sweeping my face,making me blush.

Even though i was wrapped in his blanket,i was still feeling cold.I glanced at Reece to check if he was sharing the same feelings.


Not a single sign.

He was laying on the bed without a blanket.He insisted that i should be the one having it whole.He should be freezing in that black button down shirt he was wearing.

I grunted and moved closer to him.

The heat radiating from his body immediately warmed my inside.Or may be it was the idea of him being close to me that warmed my inside.

"Are you cold?",he frowned.

I shook my head lightly,"Not anymore."

The concerned look changed into a smirk.

I raised my eyebrow.

All of sudden his eyes darkened and he bit his lower lip seductively.

"Um,what're you donig?",i squeaked like a rat caught in a trap.His face was two inches away from me.I could see the green colour swirling in his eyes.....darkning and smouldering.

He turned his whole body towards me,"What do you think?",he said in a low voice,making my heart flap pathetically inside my chest.


Not flap.

It was pounding so hard ,it felt like it was going to batter its way out of my chest.

"What...what do you mean?",my voice high pitched and squeaky.

Reece's gaze swept over me,making my skin tingle as warmth raced through me.

Before i even know what happened,he was on top of me on the bed,his legs straddling me.The only thing keeping the entire length of our bodies from being pressed together was the arms he was propped up on.His face was so close to mine,i could count all the individual gold flecks in his eyes.

He was hovering over me and making me breathless....

My lips curved into a smile.He was teasing me and i was going to tease him back.

Not the good way.

"Um Reece?"

He quirked his eyebrow,still looking seductive.

"There is a spider in your hair"

His eyes widened instantly.All traces of seduction gone.I hid my laugh with a cough.

"Don't fuck with me,Chloe",he warned,"I swear if this is some fuckin' joke...",he trailed,looking around himself in paranoia.

The laugh bubbled out of my mouth.I covered my mouth with my hand because he was giving me a death glare.

"I told ya,i know how to make you scream"

And then i slapped my hand on my mouth,this time in horror and embarrassment.Why do i always say this on the wrong time?

Reece blinked.

The seductive smile was back on his handsome face.

"Chloe Chloe Chloe",he began ,his voice low and steady,making my breath hitch in my throat,"I thought you know me well to know not to mess with me",he said against my neck,his lips barely brushing against my skin,"After all.....i know how to make you scream too",he finished,placing a soft,lingering kiss where he'd spoken,making me let out a soft sigh of pleasure and closed my eyes.

I felt his lips on my forehead and then his lips slid down to the bridge of my nose.

It was earthshattering...

His lips found their way to my lips.I felt his breath brushing my lips...

Kiss me.

Kiss me.

His lips touched mine so slowly that i felt the urge to close the distance between us.

He wasn't pressing his lips to mine.He was only touching his lips with mine and-

Our foreheads collided with each other in a loud "PLAT".

The shrill voice of Kesha's shattered the fragile moment and we were left rubbing our forehead.

Reece glared at my cell which was busy on the bed side table showering us with Kesha's Tik Tok.

He looked so adorable with that glare on his face,his hand rubbing his fore head.

It was only a missed call because my cell shut up after ringing two times.

He got off from me and laid beside me with his body towards me.

He had still a scowl on his face.His green eyes were fixed on the table beside me with pure hate.

"Reece?",i called but his green eyes were still on the table.

I sighed and reached out to touch his face.The second my hand cupped his face,his eyes flickered towards me with a questioning look.

"You didn't tell me",i whispered.

His brows furrowed,"What?".His warm hand covered mine which was cupping his face.

"How much you love me?",i asked,feeling warm.

Very very warm.

Why was that?


I was blushing.Hard.

"Don't you know?",his voice was low almost a whisper.

I knew.

I knew it more than he knew it himself.But i still wanted to know.From his mouth.

Again and again.

I shook my head.

"You know it",he mumbled,looking away,shy all of sudden.

I smiled.

Reece was never comfortable talking about his feelings.I was the only one he would open up to.It was such a sweet feeling.

"I don't",i replied as seriously .

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