Chapter 24 (part 1)

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Even though i'm 20 years ol' ,i still watch disney channel on regular basis.Love hannah montanna and wizards of waverly to DEATH.


¤ Chloe Armel ¤

Something was on my back.I tried to move but i was pinned down.Furrowing my eyebrows,i twisted my head to the side to see a head of dark brown hair and suddenly everything came rushing back.

His chin was on my shoulder,his stubble grazing my cheek while his hand was draped across my waist.Blood rushed to my cheeks and i tried to remove myself.

He mumbled something and then dozed off again.

As quietly as i could,i tried to lift his arm from my waist,his grip tightened and i held in my breath.

His grip relaxed and i let out my breath.

Reece wasn't hugging me from behind,i noticed.I could feel the distance between his chest and my back.It seemed like he was trying to be careful.

A warm smile lit up my face.Who said chivalry was dead?

I didn't want to wake him but i had to get out of his grip .

"Chloe..?",he mumbled ,releasing the death grip around my waist.I rolled around and sat,scooting to the edge of the bed.

He blinked,disoriented.

I smiled again,staring at his handsome face which still looked sleepy.

"Morning",i chirped,waving a hand at him like a kid.

He nodded with sleepy eyes and yawned,stretching his arms behind his head.His muscles immediately caught my attention which were flexing.I hastily glanced at his face.

Only his face.

"Did you sleep well?",i asked,examining my toe nail.I was blushing like crazy!

I saw him smiling from my side vision.


My neck whipped so fast,it cracked.He gave me a sexy smirk.

"No?",i echoed,feeling my heart dropping somewhere in my body.

He grinned and that-that grin took my breath away..After two days i saw a glimpse of Reece Carter.His eyes flared brightly whhen he grinned.

"You kept digging your elbow in my throat",he accused,staring at my face.

I felt my face flame.

"I-i did not!",i stammered.

Did i?

"Oh yes,you did"

"No,i didn't!"

"You tried to kill me"

"What? Nooo!"

"What? Yesss!"

I pointed my finger at his face ,narrowing my eyes,"You're lying,buddy"

"Am i?",he drawled and then zipped down his hoodie which was covering his neck ,and showed me his neck which was covered with.....with red marks.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

I covered my mouth in horror feeling like i did actually try to kill Reece.

He rolled his eyes and zipped his hoodie back,hiding his neck,"Relax nerd.It's not like your grily hands can hurt me.I'm made of steel",he winked.

We kept staring at each other.Me,in horror and Reece?,he was biting his lower lip to keep the smile in which was trying to spread on his face.

"You're so mean",i pouted,looking away from him.

"Wow.You tried to kill me and i'm mean?.Real smooth ,nerd,real smooth"

I tried to glare his way but i failed.Secretly i was happy ,he was coming back on his track.I wanted my jerk back.God! I wanted so badly to bicker with my jerk.

My sexy spanish jerk.

"Why're you smiling ?",his sleepy voice asked.

"Because i want to",i shot back.

"Because i want to",he mimicked in a high pitched voice.

I grabbed my fluffy pillow and launched it at him.It smacked him right on his face and bounced on the floor.

I burst out laughing at the glare on his face which looked cute,instead of deathly.

" god..",i clutched my stomach,feeling tears sliding down my face.

"Your face...",a bubble of laugh burst from my mouth and i was sure i looked like a dying bird with my arms flapping.

I glanced at him,covering my mouth with my hand and the laugh died in my throat when i saw he was smiling.Not the the kind of smile where the lips go skyward.

Not that.

It was the kind where you know the person was about to smile,lips twitching.He was trying to hold it in and it seemed like the power of his smile went to his green eyes which shone brightly.

It was amazing...

"I love it when you laugh like that",he said with that silly smile.

"Like what?",i asked in a muffled voice,still covering my mouth.

"Like a dying chicken."

I scowled ,ripping my hand away from my mouth.

"It doesn't even make sense"

He raised his eyebrows as if challenging me.

"It does.... when you laugh"

I was about to give a witty comeback when his cell started its buzzing on the bed side tabe and all of blood drained from his face when his eyes flickered at me.

I waited for him to pick the cell but he didn't.Instead he was having a really blank look on his face.

"I'll get it".

I got off from the bed and padded to the other side of the bed.His back was to me but i could see his back tensing up.

My hand picked the cell and checked the number.It was unknown.

I tapped the accept option with thudding heart.

"Hellow,is this Reece Carter?",a polished male voice asked,sounding impatient.

"Y-yeah,it is?",my throat went dry.

"It's about Mrs Carter....."

And then what he said made me cover my mouth.


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