( part 2 )

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I felt like my heart was about to fly out of my throat.I scanned the area for any sign of movement.


I shook mu head,the painc waning.It was probably a bird...or-or a squirrel.

Yeah,a squirrel.

Shakily,i tried to find the path where the boys had disappeared to.The green grass wasn't letting me go! I glanced up every few seconds,willing my breathing to slow.

Something had definitely moved.

Don't panic,Chloe!

I nodded to no one and pulled my cell out of my jean's pocket and dialed Jake's number,pressing it to my ear.

The line crackled,ringing feebly.

I tapped my foot impatiently,"C'mon.....",i muttered,my eye wandered about as the number dialed and dialed.

"Dear customer,the number you dialed is not responding.Please dial later-"

I stared at my cell wide eyes before adrenaline began to rush into my veins and instinct cut in.

I shoved my cell back in my pockey with cold numb fingers.


I froze.Something had move.In the grass.

Something or someone...

Run,Chloe ,run!

I didn't waste a single second and broke into a run,splashing in puddles of mud.It was so hard to run on a muddy ground,i was slipping again and again.

It was rapist or a killer lurking in the shadow of tress and grass .He was probably waiting for the right moment to pounce on me.I pushed my legs to the last limit.

Never in my life had i ever run like that.

When you're running from danger ,don't ever look back.

I glanced back over my shoulder.No sooner had i glance back,my whole body collided with a hard rigid wall.

An ear splitting screan exploded from my mouth and due to the collision i bounced back with the horrific feeling.My back was about to meet the hard ground.I squeezed my eyes shut,preparing myself for the fall...

One second..

Two second..

Three second..

Four second..

Why wasn't anything happening?

My eyes flew open and an instant releif flooded inside me when i saw gree eyes staring at me with confusion.His hand was arond my wrist and i had for an arc the way i was suspended in the air.

"Why",he asked,"were you running?"

He still didn't pull me up.

I think i lost my ability to speak.

"Chloe?",he shook me gently,my hair sweeped the ground beneath me.

"R-Reece...",i choked.

His face morphed into a very worried look .He pulled me up slowly as if trying not to startle me.

I stood up trying to breath properly while he crossed his arms across his leather jacket,studying me ......angrily.

Even though he was angry on i don't know what but i felt.....safe.

So safe.

All of sudden he closed the distance,his body merely two inches away from me,his warm breath fanning across my face.

"Did someone scare you?",he asked in a calm voice,a vein had popped up on the side of his neck,throbbing.

Out of nowhere my hand shot out and clutched the sleeve of his jacket,feeling so secure.The smooth leather calming me down.

He didn't say anything.

We stood for five mintues like that.Me,breathing deeply and gripping his jacket.Reece,staring at me with his arms crossed.

Finally he broke the silence,"You're making me worried,princess",his deep voice rang around us.My eyes which were upon his chest lifted to his lips...then nose and then his eyes..

"I-i am okay",i rasped,still a bit shaken up.His stare was really making me nervous.Reece didn't glance away from me even for a second.

He unfolded his arms and plucked my hand away from his jacket,sliding his fingers in mine.

"You didn't answer .Who scared you?",he asked again in a smooth voice but i could feel the anger lacing that sentence.

My gaze averted from his face,"No one did"

I felt him squeezing my hand,"When you're talking to me,you'll look at me,Chloe.I hate it when you try to hide something.",he said with a hint of anger.

My eyes snapped at his face,feeling anger of my own.I wrenched my hand away from his,

"I said no one-"

He cut me off with a sigh,"You're lying."

"I'm not ly-"

He wave his hand in the air as if dismissing me,"Lies lies lies and more lies"

I opened my mouth to give him a peace of my mind but he didn't give me the chance.

"Fine.",he shrugged,"Keep it with yourself"


¤ Reece Carter ¤

I turned around with a frown on my face.Why was she lying to me when i could see her emotions so clearly on her face?

I only wanted to hug her and hold her hand but she snatched her hand back as if i was poison !

I hated it when wouldn't tell me anything because she didn't want be to be " worried".

She was mine! I wanted to protect her from every single thing! Why couldn't she see that?

I walked with heavy steps so she could hear me well.I was only acting like i was leaving her behind and walking.

Did she really think i would leave her alone like that?


I sighed.Sometimes i get scare of the feelings that i had for her.They were so....furious...over whelming...warm.

I halted in my tracks and turned around,she was fifteen feet away from me.Her back was to me,her head was moving side to side as if she was debating with herself.

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now