(part 2)

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So magical.....and fluffy and-


I let out a strangled cry and bit his upper lip in fright.He hissed in pain,i could already see tiny drop of blood forming on his upper lip.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

I could literally feel blushing to the roots of my hair.

"I'm sorry...i'm sooo sorry...oh my god-"

"Aren't you fiesty?",he asked in a dry voice,touching his injured lip.

I tried to move but he wouldn't let me!.

As his eyes sweeped over my flushed face,his eyes sparkled and a devilish smile spread over his face.

"A lip for a lip",he said,leaning in.

"Shut up,you jerk! Get off me",i said,turning my face away from him .His lips landed on my neck making me shiver ....

I started to wiggle out of his grip.

Would he let me?


He only tightened his grip some more,making me immobile.

"ARE YOU COMING OR SHOULD I?!",Mrs Carter's voice boomed from downstairs.

"Come on Reece! Let go!"

His tone deliberately changed into one where a primary school teacher would speak to a naughty student.

"Now Chloe,what do we say normally at the end of a sentence when we want someone to do somethings for us?.I raise you better then this"

I glared at him,"Please,mom?",i said through gritted teeth.



"Reece! Let go! Mrs Carter is coming! Move-",he let go of my wrists and leaned back.I sprang from his bed like a cat and cast one last glance at him.

He gestured at the window with a smirk.

I guess my "gift" was leaving with me.

Wait,you jerk.

Just wait.


"Who do you like?"

They're only four little words.The most commonly asked question among girls and boys as well in high school.

And the answer is always,



"I don't know...."

Utter lies,ofcourse.

"No one!",he said,averting his gaze and concentrating on his sneakers.

"Aww,come on-"

"You are looking pretty,Chloe",he said with a cheeky smile.

" You're funny"

That smile dropped from his face and a scowl took it's place."I don't like anyone,really"

"You're a terrible terrible liar"

He looked at me,gaping,"I'm not lying!"


"I'm not!"

"Owwwwkaaaay",i replied sarcastically.

He let out a frustrated sigh.

"It doesn't matter.It's not like she likes me back"

I chuckled.

"Looks like you do like someone"


"Just admit it!"

"FINE",he yelled,his neck turning a deep shade of red,"i like Taylor,okay ? And if you told those dumb asses you're a dead meat!"

I smiled at him,"You're so cute,little V,so cute"

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now