Moment#14 (part 1)

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"So what should we order?"


"Little C,what about ya?"

"Um..a-a strawberry milkshake?"

Valentino gave me a blank stare.

I seriously wanted to kill them all for taking me here,inside this place.What were they thinking!.We were all underage for such places.What if we got caught?.I didn't even want to answer that.They had blind folded me because they wanted to give me a "surprise".Didn't they know surprises are suppose to be good,not...scary.

We were inside a dingy looking pub.It was located in one of the more run down area in the city.Big beefy looking men were entering and exiting with huge tattos on their equally huge arms.The light in the room was hazy due to the smoke from so many cigarettes,including the barman, and after glancing at them i think i might have seen every tatto it was possible to see.

They all looked like crimainals,May be they probably were.Three pairs of eyes shifted towards me,i hastily dropped my gaze,feeling my face burning.

"Did you just say...milkshake?",Dennis asked,sounding amused.

"Well..",i squeaked,playing with my fingers in my lap.

"Dude,"Jayden said,checking his cell,"this is a bar not a girly cafe where you can order some girly milkshake"

I glared at him which he avoided by sticking his eyes on his cell.

We were seated on a circular table.I was sitting near Reece as close as i could.I had pressed my leg against his just to know i glanced at Reece who was sitting besides me with his arms behind his head.As usual he was smirking at me,probably waiting for me to embarrass myself.Jake was sitting beside me with an excited face.Jay was beside him,playing on his cell and then Val who was tapping his fingers on the table.Only Dennis was sitting beside Reece.

I tranformed my eyes into puppy like and stuck my bottom lip out ,"Please?pretty please?"

All of them were struggling to say something but they all huffed,sharing a look with each other.Finally Valentino muttered,

"Fine! that's so not fair"

Yay,puppy eyes.

"Jake?",Jayden said,finally coming out of his cell ,as if expecting something from him.

Jake's excited face turned into a sour lemon and sat up straighter,

"Why me! It's your turn to order!"

Jayden made a face,"Your big brother is ordering you to get moving"

"You're only four minutes older,"he protested,"i hardly think that make you my "big brother""

"Why you little-"

"Shut it",Reece snapped placing his hands on the table,

"Jake ?.Go.Now",he ordered in an authorative voice.

Jake stood up,grumbling while Jayden had a sly smile on his face.

Dennis,the ever gentleman,stood up."I'll go with him." .He followed his friend from behind.

"Well,that went well".Valentino said with a smile my way.

"You won't be smiling when i spill your secret",Reece said in a smug voice .Jayden and i glanced at each other.

"Pffft.I have no secret,bro",Valentino said,waving his hand at him.

"Ahan?",Reece asked in a challenging tone,making me even more confused.

"What're you talking about?",Jayden asked,looking annoyed.

"Yeaah.What're you shitting about?",Valentino asked carelessly.

Reece gave him a crooked smile,his green eyes sparking up,

"Guys?it looks like Valentino finally found his mate"

"WHAT!",Jayden and i literally yelled.Everyone's eyes snapped towards us with a murderous glare.I sunk even more into Reece.Meanwhile he looked like he didn't even notice their stares.

We all were looking at Val with accusing eyes.

He gave an awkward laugh and cleared his throat,"Children children,"he chided,"he is only bitching with you two since you both are so..guliable."

Jayden punched his shoulder,probably not believing Valentino,"You dawg."

I stifled my giggle when i saw two pink bloatches appear on Valentino's cheeks.

"What were you and Taylor doing under the desk? Were you and her playing footsie underneath your desks?",Reece asked with a smirk.

Val got all red in his face.His neck was as thick as my thigh.His face got red,his neck got even redder.

"Stop fucking!",Val demanded,"I don't even like her!"

"Sure you don't",Recce drawled",That's why you sat next to her in English"

Valentino's neck turned the colour of blood.

"She sat by me!",he bellowed,"I do not like Taylor!"

"Surrender the fantasy",Reece advised and leaned in closer to Valentino across the table,whispering,"I just hope you two practiced safe sex that night at McRoy's party.I'm not ready to be an uncle yet"

"Shut up!",Valentino hissed,his jaw locked," eyed monster!"

Reece put one of his hand over his heart and pretended like he stabbed him there,

"Gosh,that really hurts.Making fun of people 'cause their eyes are green",he said in a hurt voice.

Jayden and i were laughing so much. i feared i was going to fall off from my seat.Who could have thought?

Valentino,in out of his depth,began to look desperate.

"Taylor",he yelled,"and i are not having sex!"

"Yo!",a beefy guy yelled from a table near us,"Shut your fucking trap,kid!

Reece And Chloe's Moments (1)Where stories live. Discover now