Moment# 12 (part 1)

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°Reece Carter°

She was ignoring me.

From the past two days and fifty-six minutes.For the millionth time i could feel my heart aching. .

Missing her face. .

Her laugh. .

Her small hand in my palm.

Her twinkly eyes. .

Her nerdy replies. .

Her blush..

I was missing her.


I guess if i did have the chance to go back in time,i'd only change one thing-i wouldn't have walked away..


"No!",her eyes would have sparkled with that stub born light she always had.

I would have yelled,"Fine!" and then wrapped my arms around her waist.My chin would be resting above her head.Everything was going to be okay.

Yes.If only i was a some freaky mutant who could go back in time.

It was like she was ignoring my presence,like i was no one she should even look at.I hadn't talked to her after that fight.It's not that i was avoiding her.

Really,i wansn't.

I was only giving her the space she needed.I'd always be talking with Valentino or one of the boys and she would pass this really blank look at me and continue her chat with that nancy boy!!

Her blank stare.

It was silently killing me.

I would hope with everything in me that she would just come and say,"Miss me,jerk?" with that smile of her and i would give a cocky reply along the lines of,"You wish,nerd".

I know i over reacted.They were her friends as well as mine.

It was a friendly hug..

I've no fucking idea why i acted like a possessive jerk.They were hugging her from everywhere and then something inside me snapped so fast,the next second i had stalked out.

Even the boys weren't themselves.They were silently watching me and Chloe.

Painfully silent.

I would sometimes catch their accusing glares,their heated discussions,their indirect warnings of me hurting Chloe.

I felt so fucking trapped.

For the second time in my life.

First was when my father dumped my mom for a fucking slut.That night i had bruised my knuckles so much from punching the wall of my bed room that my mom had cried even more by only looking at them.

And right now,i wanted to punch someone so bad! to rip someone into shreds! To break someone's ribs one by one!

Out of nowhere my mind replayed that incident when she ate those Hash brownies..

A bark of laugh left my mouth,instantly lifting the fog from surronding my mind.I still remembered her adorable blush when she said,"You have really pretty eyes".

I smirked knowing fully well the power of my eyes on her.She was always fascinated by them,always wanted to keep looking in them.Once she tried to even touch them by poking her finger in my eye to see if they weren't "jewels".

Yeah,she was an extremest when it came to my eyes.

I was sitting on the roof of my house with a bottle of Vodka in my hand,watching the millions of stars illuminating the dark sky.

She was the star,i was the dark sky.

I shook my head at that thought.Fuck,i was sounding like a girl.

Another memory flooded in my mind.A smile formed on my face when i recalled her climbing on the roof for me

To give me company.

To see whether i had run off..


My Chloe..

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and threw the empty bottle away from me.It started to roll.

Chloe Chloe Chloe

Where are you...


My face whirled to the side,blood immediately begin to trickle from the side of my mouth.I clenched my hands into fists and glared at my best friend

,"What the fuck was that for!"

Valentino rubbed his bruised knuckles calmly and glanced at me with an equal glare,"That should knock some sense in you,you fucking idiot!"

We were in an empty classroom.Ten minutes ago Val and twins had dragged me here to show me something "important".The second the twins shut the door,Valentino landed a mother fucking punch on my face!

I glanced at the door,Jake and Jayden were standing on either side of it like guards, with narrowed eyes.I shifted my gaze at Val,who was busy in rolling his sleeves up.

"Where's Dennis?"

He stopped rolling his sleeves and gave this exasperated sigh,"Reece fucking Carter! I fail to fucking understand why the fuck do you ask this mother fucking question again and again when you fucking know where the fuck is he!"

He finished with a deep breath.


Never ,i repeat,never in life had i hear Val saying "Fuck" so many times in one sentence.

I noticed the twins glancing at each other ,smirking.

"I'm not hear to talk about your love for Dennis",Val said in a serious voice.

I shurgged and sat down on a chair ,lifting my legs up on another.

"I know i screwed up,okay?",i said,looking away from him.

"And how are you gonna unscrew it?",he asked in a sickly sweet voice.


"I don't know",i said in a low voice.

"What!",i snapped at the twins who were busy in throwing deathly glares on my way.

"Fuck you",both of them said at the same time ,glaring at me.

"Thanks for the compliment,Hackle and Jackle but just so you know,i don't swing that way",i said with a smirk.

They snorted,saying,"As if we would fuck you!"

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