Chapter 25 (part 1)

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Its gonna be a night to remember


¤ Chloe Armel ¤

"See that one?"


"That one is my favourite"

I squinted in concentration and now that i noticed carefully it actually was standing out from the rest of them.

Bigger,brighter.Much much brighter.

It was the middle of the night and we were sitting on Reece's roof.I felt like we were in a movie,the chessey kind with millions of stars litting up the dark sky.

I was moving side to side in a rhythm because something sharp was prickling my butt.I glanced at Reece who was looking up at the sky with a smile on his face.His brown hair looked almost black in the night.He was wearing black T-shirt and faded jeans.

I guess i didn't need to say,he took my breath away almost every single time.

"Do you like flies?",he asked in a light voice,still looking up.

"No,ofcourse not",i replied in a puzzled voice.My hands were trying to find the source that was attacking my butt viciously.

Reece glanced down at me with a smirk and my hands froze.

"Your mouth.It's open.Are you trying to invite them in?"

Dear lord,was i drooling?

I checked myself and with breaking heart i came to this conclusion that i really was.Drooling.

I shut my jaw instantly which was hitting the floor,i mean the roof.

Wait,roofs have a floor too right?

Or maybe...not?

That's really confusing!

I sighed and moved closer to him,my hands went around his bicep.I leaned in on to him,placing my head on his shoulder.


He kept on looking skyward.



I shook his muscled arm which was in my grip.

"Yes,Chloe?",he answered,softly.

And then his face turned towards me.His green eyes turned black like his hair.Reece's face were literally two inches away from mine.

I started to.....blush.


His lips twitched but he still didn't say anything.He kept staring at me,making me seep deep crimson colour.I felt like he wanted me to close the distance.

I didn't.

Its not that i didn't want to.I was kind of sort of frozen on my spot.My hands were pretty much bruising his arms,not that he was complaining.

He shook his head and then closed the distance between us in one swift movement,catching me off guard.

I closed my eyes to feel his soft lips against mine but instead i felt his lips brushing on my forehead in a feather like touch....almost fluffy.

His lips lingered for a few seconds and then he slowly leaned away.My eyes opened on their own accord and saw green eyes smiling at me.

"I love it when you trun red..... like that",he gestured towards my red face,making me blush like crazy.What was wrong with me!

I quickly averted my gaze away from his face,concentrating on the thing eating my butt.

Stop prickling my butt,you stupid insect!

"Yeahh....",i mumbled,lamely.Seriously "yeah"?

Who does that?!

"Come on",he said,getting up and holding out a hand to me.I placed my hand in his but didn't get up.

"Where're we going?"

He rolled his eyes,"To Mars.The mothership is here"

I scowled and squeezed his hand in response.I was in the half way of getting up when all of sudden he yanked me towards himself,i collided with his hard chest with an "omph".

His arms went around my waist in a gentle grip and my arms went around his neck,hooking behind his neck,with a glare but then the deathly glare changed into fear when i noticed out position.

We were standing on the roof.On the edge of the roof.He was already glancing down and calculating the height.I tried to be brave and glanced down but found a pit of darkness.I quickly hid my face in his warm chest.

"What if i throw you from here?"

"What if i kick your butt?!"

His chest vibrated and my face bobbed up and down with the movement.He continued to laugh and then he kissed my head in between his laughing.I didn't know why but i feel like that is a very special moment when the person you love is laughing and he kisses your head in between his laugh.

"Shut up....",i mumbled in his shirt,trying to hide my smile.

He didn't reply but stopped moving and then he grabbed both of my hands which were around his neck and placed them lightly on his shoulders.

I was studying him quietly.

When he was satisfied with the position of my hands,he begun to move side by side as if we were dancing on a chessey song.

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"What?.....".his green eyes flickered away from me,looking embarrassed?

I glanced down again.We were dancing on the roof.In the middle of the night.Below trillions of stars.

"I love it",i whispered,glancing at him.

He gave me a cocky smile,"I know,right?"

"So,which song is on your mind?",i asked in an excited voice and felt him pulling me closer.

He smirked.

"Do you really want to know?",green eyes sparkled.

I nodded,eagerly.

"Like really really really want to know?",he teased,his grip tightning.

"Quit teasing!",i smacked his shoulder lightly and he swooped down to kiss my forehead again.

Reece leaned back and removed his arm around my waist to stroke my cheek with the back of his hand.

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